When we think of bad, bad people, it doesn’t take a Spartan effort to start rattling off evil-doers. As Americans, we recite names beyond our own boundaries. As the list thins out, we may name American mass murderers, assassins, various politicians and greedy industrialists, until we resort to film villains and sports cheaters. The name of Morris Fishbein will never come up. But it should. I’m about to tell you about a man who is, perhaps, the most evil man to ever walk on American soil and should be included in any discussion of History’s Most Evil Men.. He is responsible for nothing less than a holocaust…one that continues to this very day…long after his own death in 1976…
Born in 1889, Morris Fishbein had planned a life as a circus clown. Somewhere along the way, he found out that he could earn a far better living in the medical field. He entered medical school, where he failed anatomy and barely graduated. In his entire career as a doctor, he never treated a patient. He did, however, find his own niche in the medical field as the Director of the AMA and editor of the equally powerful Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) from 1924-1949. His predecessor at the AMA, George H. Simmons, was an abortionist. During Simmon’s tenure, the AMA began the accreditation process for medical schools, dismissing anything “homeopathic” as dogma. During this same period, forced enrollment in the AMA increased from 8000 members to 70,000. This increase in revenue, from enrollment and from advertising in the JAMA, did not go to research…it went directly to Simmons and the AMA. In 1913, Simmons created the "Propaganda Department”, which was designed to harass anyone who practiced unconventional medical and research methods. Fishbein headed up publicity for this department.
When the AMA was founded in 1847, its purpose was to meet and share information. When Fishbein took over the AMA, it became the clearinghouse through which drugs and medical devices would be approved and which ones would not. He was trained to use the media “to attack anyone who provided a real or perceived threat to conventional medicine”. Fishbein became the sole decision-maker. There were no testing agencies back then and his decisions were based on who paid for expensive ads in the JAMA…whether the drugs worked or not. His prime directive was driven by greed and personal gain.
The groundwork for Fishbein’s cash cow was laid before he entered the scene. The AMA was a good thing for medicine, until cliques divided the group and “clever ideas” were tabled, such as using the organization as a regulatory agency that would be used to do things such as limit the number of doctors that schools could release in order to increase the personal incomes of those who were allowed to practice, without considering how this would limit research and the expansion of an available medical database, which would have slowed genuine progress to a standstill.
In 1900, three doctors proposed converting the AMA into a “closed corporation”, giving the AMA and these three men complete control of what was allowed entry into medicine and what was not. In 1924, one of the three Lords of Medicine was forced to resign and Fishbein was named to replace him. Within ten years, Fishbein owned the AMA lock, stock and barrel (remember, it was a private corporation), extorting millions of dollars from doctors who would not have been allowed to practice without the “blessing” of the AMA’s Seal of Approval. The same process that was applied to medicine and research was, ultimately…and still is…applied to food products. But, his prime source of income was from advertising in the JAMA. The touch of Fishbein’s magic wand legitimized the tobacco industry, which was his largest and most generous client. ("Just what the doctor ordered"…L&M cigarettes; and "For digestion's sake, smoke Camels"…because the magical Camel cigarettes would "stimulate the flow of digestive fluids".) It was this endorsement that forced Fishbein to resign from the AMA in 1950, when a medical student discovered that 96% of patients in cancer wards were smokers…after which, he accepted a lucrative position as a consultant to the tobacco industry, but not before this man…who shaped the American Medical Complex…was allowed to perpetrate what amounts to genocide on the American Public. The AMA had become an extortion house of ferocious magnitude and it’s tentacles reached into every area that affected the health industry.
Enter a man named Royal Raymond Rife, a bona fide scientific genius. There’s a reason why you have probably never heard of Rife and that reason is Morris Fishbein. Rife’s area of expertise encompassed optics, microscopes, electronics and microbiology and he has advanced many areas of technology that are still in use today. His first major invention was the first microscope that was powerful enough to see a virus without killing it. This was huge. The problem with his “Universal Microscope” was that it took an inordinate amount of time to bring a pathogen into focus. In 1932, after 12 years of attempting to correct this problem, he had finally perfected his machine. He was the first man to see a live virus and this technology has only recently been replaced with more powerful optics, much of which still cannot do what Rife’s microscope was capable of doing: seeing, but not killing a micro-organism. (He did this by replacing dyes, which were too large to enter the microorganism, with light from an infinite spectrum. He also contended, correctly, that standard chemotherapy was ineffective and that since cancer was anaerobic…as in requiring low oxygen saturation (low pH) and that chemotherapy was also anaerobic…that chemotherapy was more than useless…it was, in itself, carcinogenic.)
The point of departure for Rife, who could now see “the enemy”, was to learn enough about them to be able to turn healthy cells into pathogens, which he did after thousands of unsuccessful tries. He had identified what he believed to be a virus that he named the “BX virus”, which he also believed caused cancer. (It turns out that he was wrong about it being a virus, but not wrong about it causing, or actually being a cancer.) He then subjected the BX “virus” to an array of radio frequencies to see how it would react. One product of this process was called the "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" (MOR).
Imagine this: You have three crystal glasses. The first one has a relative thickness of “1”. The second has a relative thickness of “2”. And the third has a relative thickness of “4”. You then create a machine that “taps” the glass with a little metal pin and you can control the force with which the pin strikes the glass. You start tapping glass #1 with the mildest force and increase the force of each tap until the glass shatters. Glass #1 requires a relative force of …let’s say…1.246. The second glass is twice as thick as the first, so you start at 1.246 and increase the force until it shatters, which we will say is 2.452. Shattering the third glass, which is twice as thick as the second, requires a force of 4.904. Now, convert the tapping machine into a machine that emits radio frequencies; the glasses with viruses and pathogens; “shatter” with “mortality”… and you have the Mortal Oscillatory Rate for viruses and pathogens. He found a way to use resonance to kill cancer with radio waves. This was over 70 years ago. And he found a way to do it for the cost of turning on a light bulb. (I’ve seen videos of viruses exploding using this treatment.)
After learning the Mortal Oscillatory Rate for over 50 infectious diseases, including herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, pin worms, streptothrix (fungi), rabies and cancer, he treated 400 laboratory animals (after creating the cancer) and successfully eradicated the disease in all of them, without damaging any healthy cells. He did this by viewing the pathogens under his Universal Microscope while turning the dial on his frequency generator. When the cell exploded, or became "devitalized”, he noted the frequency. Once this was done, it was easy to duplicate. Over a forty-year period, Rife went on to discover the MOR for about 600 different forms of bacteria and viruses.
From a scientific model, there was no theory supporting his work, no peer-reviewed journals on the subject. He was ahead of his own curve. But it worked. In the political world of science, the rule of thumb is that if there is no precedent, it must not be valid. One influential dufus was Dr. Thomas Rivers, who had never looked through a Rife microscope and since he couldn’t see a live virus through his own equipment and hadn’t ever seen a live virus at all, he concluded that Rife’s work must be bogus, and there was "no logical basis for belief in this theory." (Rife was not alone in this area. There were a host of other researchers who were working independently and who were producing successful results, while working in more narrow parameters than Rife. One notable example would be Dr. Albert Abrams, who was killing tuberculosis and typhoid bacilli. These two pathogens, however, still exist and people still suffer from them.)
Confident that his resonance treatment would work on humans, the University of Southern California created a Special Medical Research Committee which imported16 terminally ill cancer patients and a medical team, which would participate and follow through with the patient’s progress. Included on this team were the Chief of Bacteriology (Mayo Clinic), the Director of the Northwestern Medical School, the President of USC and pathologists and physicians from the Children’s Hospital, N.Y, the Hooper Foundation, S.F. and Chicago University. After 90 days of treatment (3 minutes per day, every third day), 14 of the 16 patients were totally cured, while the other two required an additional four weeks of treatment. There was a 100% cure rate for the cost of a little electricity, with no pain and no side effects. Six independent doctors confirmed the results.
In 1937, Rife helped to establish the Beam Ray Company, which began producing the machines. It was immediately banned by the AMA (aka Morris Fishbein), even though at least one of the doctors, a presiding member of the Special Medical Research Committee continued to use a Rife frequency generator, successfully and “illegally”, for over 20 years.
As soon as Fishbein heard about Rife’s success, he sent an attorney to make an offer to buy-out Rife. This was not the first time that Fishbein pulled this stunt. His standard offer was 0% of the profits for the first 9 years (the “trial period”) and 10% to the inventor there after). He had done this to a researcher and inventor named Harry Hoxsey who had developed an herbal cure for skin cancer. Fishbein testified in court that the cure worked, but when Hoxsey refused Fishbein’s offer, the AMA had Hoxsey arrested 125 times in less than a year and a half for “practicing without a license”. People like Hoxsey were lucky if Fishbein only placed them on the AMA’s Quackery List, or revoked their licenses, which he had the self-appointed power to do.
After failed attempts to get Rife to sell, lawsuits ensued until Fishbein bankrupted Rife and Beam Ray. Furthermore, a 1939 ruling resulted in the end of any further study of, or investigation into Rife’s technology. In spite of turning to alcohol, Rife teamed up with an electrical engineer named John Crane and continued to refine and build more advanced machines. Back in court, Fishbein sued the pair. Even though more than a dozen patients testified to the success of the treatments, Crane went to prison for over 3 years (the jury foreman was an AMA doctor) and the AMA shut Rife down. Rife’s lab was ransacked and all, or part of his equipment and 50 years records were seized and disappeared. Just before the Burnett Lab in New Jersey was to announce confirmation of Rife’s work, it was burned to the ground. Arson was confirmed. Also, Dr. Milbank Johnson, Rife’s biggest supporter was preparing a formal presentation of Rife’s work, when he suddenly died. By the time that Fishbein was done with Rife, proof of Rife’s work became as elusive and legendary as Atlantis. Rife crumbled and drank himself to death, dying in 1971. This is your American Medical Association at work.
(Royal Rife was not the first person in history to face the assassination of his credibility for working outside status quo. Semmelweis was persecuted for promoting the importance of sterilization in surgery; Pasteur for insisting that bacteria causes diseases; Roentgen for his X-rays, Morton for anesthesia; Harvey for his theory of the circulation of blood. Many others, including W.F. Koch, Revici, Burzynski, Naessens, Priore, Livingston-Wheeler, and Hoxsey paid a heavy price for challenging the establishment.)
In 1931, Dr. Milbank Johnson, the man who created the Special Medical Research Committee that cured the 16 cancer patients, held "The End to All Diseases" dinner in Rife’s honor, with 44 medical professionals attending. After Fishbein sued Rife in 1939, all but two of those attendees would even admit that they knew Rife. Two of the lead players on the Special Medical Research Committee were silenced with enormous Depression Era grants (one “retired” to Mexico), while the other 40 went along with the agenda and just continued prescribing the untested drugs that the AMA approved. Of note are Milbank Johnson and a Dr Couche, who continued to explore Rife’s work.
So, how does the world get to know about the work of Royal Rife? The answer was through the JAMA, whose chief editor was one…you guessed it…Morris Fishbein, which was controlled by the AMA and entirely owned by the same Morris Fishbein. The drug companies and the tobacco industry supported the JAMA, exclusively, and they had no vested interest in seeing people get healthy. So, Rife got buried.
Fishbein. Was. Good.
It should also be noted that the AMA has executed the same campaigns against chiropractics (“medical quackery”, "a malignant tumor"), osteopathy, homeopathic and alternative forms of health care (“cults”), health food stores, vitamins and supplements, as well as substances, such as Laetrile…even banning the importation and planting of Bitter Almond Trees, which contain the highest concentration of Laetrile, a substance that kills cancers. While Fishbein did alert the public to genuine quackery, he tagged all non-approved, unconventional medicine as quackery. Through his column, which was syndicated in over 200 newspapers and his nationally broadcasted radio show, he became the dominant force is shaping Modern American Healthcare.
So, what was the outcome of all of Fishbein’s greed? Let’s begin at the shallow end of the pool. For nearly 7 decades, medical students have been herded through schools without ever hearing of Royal Rife and went on to become professional “prescription writers” for drugs that are produced by the pharmaceutical companies that advertised in the JAMA. (Admittedly, we do now have the FDA for the testing of drugs, but the differences between the FDA and the AMA are about the same as the differences between crack dealers and meth dealers.) Instead of allowing cancer patients to spend 3 minutes, 2 or 3 times each week standing in front of what amounts to a bank of fluorescent bulbs…for pocket change (and the patients get to keep their hair and their homes)…the American medical industry has created the torturous chemo/radiation therapy gauntlet for those inflicted, at a cost of around $300,000 per patient for treatments that don’t work. Creative and beneficial medical research has been slowed to an excruciating pace, while $100’s of billions of dollars are being funneled through the AMA, the FDA, food and chemical companies and Big Pharma. Rife’s work would put a lot of wealthy people out of business, but, then again, barbers no longer take pints of blood from people with rheumatoid arthritis anymore, do they? You might also have to run interference with the insurance industry to get a real cure to market. In fact, the only people who will be overjoyed to talk to you will be sick people! Kind of puts into perspective who’s in control here, eh?
(After quite a bit of research on this subject, I have found few derogatory sources about Rife’s work. One is the Wikipedia entry on Rife, which fails to acknowledge any of Rife’s successes and was apparently written with a huge bias and some obvious and cheap shots. The other was a Google search entry which warns against purchasing a Rife machine. For $1.00, he’ll tell you why...)
If the medical establishment were to accept the fact that Rife’s work was legitimate, it would put an end to their gravy train…the one that pays for the research for cures for diseases that already have at least one a proven cure, and would make their acidic drugs obsolete Instead, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, AIDS, hepatitis, obesity and newly emerging diseases are epidemic. In Rife’s lifetime, the odds of getting cancer went from 1 in 24, to 1 in 3. Over 176,000 “cancer drugs” were submitted for approval. All that was required to get these drugs licensed were 'favorable' results in 1/6th of 1%’ of the cases. Nearly 20% of these drugs killed the patient, but the death report would state that at the time of death, the patient was “cured”, or “in partial remission” because the patient didn’t die from cancer. The world was denied a cure for cancer because it was not pharmaceutical-based and because Morris Fishbein could not find a way to profit from Rife’s work.
I did mention “holocaust” didn’t I? By 1960, more Americans had died from cancer than in all of the American wars, combined. This year alone (2008), it is projected that 1,772,000 American men, women and children will die from curable diseases and approximately 1,400,000 new cases will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, while The American Cancer Society remains the world’s wealthiest charity organization. Over the last 45 years, the incidence of all cancers has increased by 54.3% (If the dominant form of cancer…lung cancer, is removed from the equation, the increase is still quite impressive, at 40.8%). Since 1975, at least 20 million Americans, who had never been given a chance to try alternative methods of treatment and cures that are known to work, have died from cancer. In the under-14 age group for children diagnosed with cancer, they will live, on average, 69 years less than a healthy person. The lifespan of an adult who is diagnosed with cancer will be more than 20 years less than a healthy adult. The equivalent of 2% of the U.S. GNP is spent on barbaric treatments that don’t differentiate between sick cells and healthy cells. By 1980, American citizens were being bombarded with the annual production of 500 billion pounds of industrial, synthetic and carcinogenic chemicals, which attack and weaken our immune systems…all of which were approved by the AMA, FDA, or EPA…and much of which ends up in our food and water. This answers the question of why various cancer rates have increased over the last 50 years by 44% to over 100%. Since this all seems to be about money and 1 penny is spent on prevention, to every 99 cents that is spent on treatment, we will all have to learn how to cope with cancer at some time in our lives until the AMA can find a way to make money on prevention or viable treatments that really offer cures. This sounds like a slaughter to me…
The AMA, with their approved medicines and treatments, do not have a clue of how to cure these people. Actually, it’s never been their business to cure people. Their business has been to make money extorting doctors, inventors, researchers, drug companies, food companies, chemical companies…a model that was set in stone in Fishbein’s dealings with the tobacco industry.
Can Morris Fishbein be compared to the likes of Adolf Hitler? Absolutely. The genocide, in both cases, was the result of what started out as bullying techniques, and then blossomed into full-fledged fear campaigns. The difference is that Fishbein has and will continue to kill more people than Hitler. Long after Fishbein’s death, his killing machine is still rolling, larger and more deadly than ever.
I’ve said, many times, that the Medical/FDA/AMA/Big Pharma/Food Complex has no interest in making you healthy and now you know why they do what they do, you know what they do and how they do it...and you know who is responsible for it.
And Rife? What if he was wrong? What if he didn’t have the cure for 600 known diseases? What if it was only 20? Or 10?
Or 1?
Thanks, Morrie...you son of a bitch. I hope that you are forced to listen to accordions in hell...for eternity…