This is for all of you asthma sufferers out there. It's something that I learned along the way. It's quite amazing and I can attest to its success, as I struggled for 10 years...day and night...with asthma. I'm now 100% asthma-free. So here goes...
You know that little brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide that you have in your medicine cabinet? This is remarkable stuff. Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable form of oxygen. That $2.00 bottle will produce 20 liters of free oxygen. Farmers know this. Hydrogen peroxide is formed, not only in our bodies, but in the upper atmosphere. When it rains, the falling water collides with the hydrogen peroxide and releases free oxygen. Plant life and crops love this stuff. But, with the advent of pollution and acid rain, this free oxygen isn't reaching the Earth like it used to, so farmers have to supplement the water they feed with...you guessed it...hydrogen peroxide. Same thing happens when you take a high quality C vitamin, like calcium ascorbate; it collides with the hydrogen peroxide and releases oxygen that not only makes your system more alkaline, but hunts down and kills the bad guys. Pretty cool, eh?
Here's how to snuff out asthma...or at least put it to rest, if you can't avoid your triggers. If you can avoid your triggers...the asthma will go away. First, there are 2 kinds of hydrogen peroxide available to us. One is the 3% solution that you can buy anywhere. Second, is 'food grade' hydrogen peroxide, which is around 35%. Use only the 3% solution. Buy, empty and clean a nasal inhaler. Clean it really well, including the stem. Fill it halfway with water and halfway with the 3% hydrogen peroxide. DO NOT INHALE THROUGH THE NOSE. Do it down the throat, through your mouth. Exhale and do several sets of 3-5 puffs. It will produce a mild sting for a moment, but no big deal. This will flood your lungs with oxygen...big time. You will feel it within 30 seconds. An hour later you will feel it even more. Do this several times a day, until you just flat-out forget about it at all (AND your albuterol and steroid inhalers). Doing this will also destroy any of the bad guys down there and the excess oxygen that makes it into your bloodstream will cure a lot that ails you.
Another thing you can do is to remove pollutants from your body that fuel asthma. The best product that I have been able to find is available at any healthfood store and is called NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine). Good stuff. It will remove pollutants and heavy metals that are in suspension AND imbedded in soft tissues. Good luck. Let me know how this works for you...
For Ken
PS: If you are skeptical about this, then google "asthma hydrogen peroxide", okay?