I’m disappointed Magellan. A Hoya-educated, tall, basketball playing entrepreneur who has a temper tantrum over Richard Cohen’s temper tantrum. But, neither of you did your due diligence. I really don’t like diving into the muddy, lower rung issues of “talking points”, but neither you, nor Cohen debunked anything with your outbursts. Using the Confederate Flag issue as a launch to his tirade was trivial and disconnected. I can’t believe that leftist thugs like Joy Behar actually gets paid for what she does. Both sides will do whatever it takes to win this election, which levels that playing field. For instance, referring to two of McCain ads: “The other asserted that Obama supported teaching sex education to kindergarteners…is a lie”.
It is not a lie. You see, there are two versions of Barry’s position on this. One, which I heard on NPR, has Barry stating that he won’t support it. The other, unedited version of this clip continues, “…even though it’s the right thing to…”
In regards to the “lipstick” controversy, there is no gray area that when McCain used this reference, he was directly referring to some of Bush’s policies. When Barry used it, even though he denies it, the subject was Palin and there was no reference to anyone’s policies. He may have thought that this was clever…but it was a slip…no different than when his faith…as a Muslim…slipped out in his interview with former Clinton Press Secretary, George Stephanopoulos . You see, McCain hasn’t “turned ugly”. But, this old, bitter fart of a columnist wants you to think so and the basis for his so-called credibility is that he was once “in the tank for McCain”, but no longer is. That’s it. He WANTS you to be bitter. Once again, I feel that slapping one talking point over another until you have an ugly bumper is un-evolved. But, I am fascinated by whatever process and whatever accomplishments have made a racehorse out of Barry. So, let’s take a look at some of these points.
Accomplishments are sparse. He became the first Afro-American to become Editor of the Harvard Review. This is good. He published two memoirs, “Dreams of My Father” and “Audacity of Hope”, which IS an accomplishment, even though they established him as a lost soul, race-obsessed, bitter, droning man-boy. The novels are rife with lies and inconsistencies that attempt to define him. He did a good job here…of establishing himself as a lost soul, race-obsessed, bitter, droning man-boy. What else has he done? Well, he made his bones with his up-line in the brutal world of Chicago politics by joining ACORN, the largest radical left-wing organization in the Country, the organization that pays people to pad the voter registration rosters. Dead people. Non-citizens. You name it. Anyone think that this is okay? And, by the way, the Gore-Bush race wasn’t as close as is thought, when you factor in the Florida counties that had more registered Democratic voters than population, thanks to ACORN. He became a State Senator…albeit a part-time Senator…and watched his Democratic counterparts prancing around the Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae playground while they raped these organizations into submission with huge donations, including Barry, while other Clintonites walked away with vast fortunes (!) until it collapsed into submission. Barry’s two top economic advisors are the two people responsible for administering these two victims of greed. Anyone want four more years of THAT?
I’m going skip his associations, which are so atrocious, that as a private citizen, he would be denied any sort of government clearance. Except one. Raila Odinga, a cousin and member of his (father’s) tribe in Kenya, where Barry went to help Odinga establish Kenya as a Muslim state, where less than 30% of the population is Muslim. Odinga is a Muslim, supported by Saudi money who intends to set up Sharia law. Do you know what they call Bar in Kenya? Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama. Kenya is a place where Muslims are attempting to eradicate Christians and there are places where, if Christians enter, they don’t exit. Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama, to the horror of American missionaries, has had free and easy access to these areas. He's really good at fanning flames...
The talking point of “another 4 years” doesn’t hold water, but even if it did, there hasn’t been another group of people as large as Obama supporters…people who have been scared into being afraid until they were tired of being afraid…and leapt “into a politician's lap”…since the Germans in the 30’s. Ah, I can hear it now…Ridge is comparing Barry to Adolf, but I’m not. I’m comparing the process that helped them rise to power until the weak and scared leapt into the lap of The One who offered “hope and change”.
Lastly, let’s talk about morality…which is above Bar’s pay grade. In the ‘Right to Life/Right to Choose’ issue, all of the chips are raked off the table. In defense of Sarah Palin’s decision not to abort her last child, the Left criticized her choice. Bar clearly stated that such a decision would be a “nuisance to the medical profession”. But, the Left promotes the ‘Right to Choose’…but does that mean Only the Right to Choose Abortion?
Hell, I’m no big fan of McCain, but he topped any of Barry’s accomplishments the moment the wheels of his fighter jet left the ground in his first solo flight.