“New Jersey moved toward becoming the first state to require flu shots for preschoolers on Monday after a health advisory board backed new vaccine mandates over the opposition of worried parents.
The Public Health Council voted to require New Jersey children attending preschool or licensed day care to get annual flu shots, and to get three additional for youngsters starting Sept. 1, 2008.
No other state requires preschool, day care or older students to get the flu shots, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.”
Well, this isn’t necessarily so…. and what baffles me is why the media chose this as their springboard.
Gunpoint Medicine
In the State of Maryland, where there is no law requiring the vaccination of children, health and school authorities, local law enforcement and Federal marshals with attack dogs, forced parents, who are opposed to vaccinations, to herd their children in for the shots. Their alternative was to surrender their children to Child Protective Services, while they spend the next thirty days in jail. The parents were criminalized for protecting their children.
From What?
Regardless of what else is in these injections, they contain thimerosal, which is a chemical compound that consists of approximately 50% mercury, by weight. It has been used as a chemical preservative since 1929 for skin tests, vaccines, eye drops, nose sprays and tattoo inks. Few studies have been performed on this poison, but what is known is that it IS a poison. What is also known is that American companies don’t put this stuff into vaccines, but the vaccines that we use are not made in the USA (most of our drugs come from China and India). The immediate and cumulative effects of Thimerosal are very toxic, whether by injection, inhalation and even by skin contact. It is devastating to marine life. Children haven’t been tested for its effects.
So, parents who knew this and refused to subject their children to having it injected into their bodies got a knock on their door: Child Protective Services and armed Marshals reading them their rights. The medical/Big Pharma Complex is now “arming themselves with U.S. Marshals and other local law enforcement authorities who are using loaded firearms to enforce ‘the will of the State’ against parents who resist.”
“Implementation of these rules will save lives and prevent disease and suffering in children, their families and the community," deputy health commissioner Dr. Eddy Bresnitz (New Jersey) told the council Monday.”
Yah? And how the hell would he know?
“The Council voted in favor of the requirements 5-2 with 1 abstention, with member Dennis San Filippo saying he would like to see studies done on whether it's safe for young children to get so many doses of different vaccines.”
How about whether it’s safe at all? This is an experiment on American children.
And what’s the biggest objection from parents stupid enough get this poison into their children’s veins? “I’m not letting my kid sit next to another kid who isn’t inoculated!”
Psssst….Hey, moron…if your kid IS inoculated and you believe this stuff actually works, then what the hell do you have to worry about. eh?”
Forget about the children for a moment and let’s talk about the viruses it’s supposed to deal with. This isn’t the first time Bad Medicine has been used en masse. How many times have children been given the antibiotics for earaches? Well, that’s caused by a virus and antibiotics don’t kill viruses. How about the recently exposed cough syrup hoax? Or baby formula? Or the legitimization of illegal street amphetamines in the form of Ritalin? This list goes on…and on…and on….
What all of these vaccinations have really done is create highly resistant Super Viruses and lots of money for the Medical Complex. And all of their money can’t fight the Super Bugs.
Kind of reminds me of stories we’ve heard of how the Russians would execute a prisoner and send a bill to the family for the bullet. But no amount of money can pay this bill.
Some Ammo
Okay. How many times have we heard it?
“The American People are having their rights taken away from them!”
And the response is:
“Yah? And can you name just one? Do you know of just one person who has lost any of their rights as an American? Name one!”
Now you have the ammo to answer this question. Learn more about this, okay?
PS: Maryland wasn’t the first, either. Washington, D.C….our Nation’s Capitol was the first governing body to force injections on our children. Ah, yes…The Smarming of America!
If, after visiting this site and you still think flu shot are helpful and good for you or your children, then let me suggest that you head for the nearest mental health establishment...in some foreign country, of course, cause no one in the mainstream medical profession will believe you. Kinda hard to wrap your head around, eh?