As I’ve stated, here...on several occasions...I am fascinated by whatever process has put Barack Obama into the hunt for the White House. So, I spent some time delving into his past and this process. In search of this time-line, I looked at many sources, discarding photo-shopped pictures, celebrity endorsements, such as Fonda, Hanks, Streisand, Clooney, Moore, De Niro, Redford, or Damon et al, and anything that I could not find at least two corroborating sources on. What I found did not surprise me, although I was confounded by blatant non-parity in the mainstream press in the submerging and “cleansing” of Obama’s past and of his associations. I think that anyone interested in this election should know as much as there is to know about the candidates. So, in no particular order, here are some of the people that Obama has chosen as his campaign advisers, those who have publicly endorsed and/or lent financial support to the rise of Barack Obama. This won't change anyone's mind, just their level of awareness...
Top Financial Contributors
Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919
Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302 $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038
Top Advisers
Dennis McDonough, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, is the national security coordinator for Obama's campaign. McDonough was foreign policy adviser to former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
Susan E. Rice, the Brookings Institution's, Clinton assistant secretary of state and protégé of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (foreign policy)
Anthony Lake, former National Security Adviser to the Clinton administration (foreign policy)
Eric Holder, a former deputy attorney general to the Clinton (legal policy)
Clinton Navy Secretary Richard Danzig
Economic team
Michael Froman, fellow editor of the Harvard Law Review, a Citogroup executive and former chief of staff to then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin in the Clinton administration
Austan Goolsbee, a 38-year-old star University of Chicago Business School professor and New York Times columnist (Domestic policy)
Cass Sunstein, University of Chicago law professor
Laurence Tribe, Harvard law professor
Alan Blinder, former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve
Cassandra Butts, former senior policy adviser to then-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt
Big-picture operation
Karen Kornbluh, another former aide to then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin in the Clinton administration
Samantha Power, a Harvard professor
Gregory Craig, Clinton impeachment defense attorney and former director of policy planning in the Clinton State Department
Sarah Sewall, a Harvard Kennedy School professor and former Clinton Defense Department official
Former Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, Retired Air Force officer,
Former Gen. Merrill McPeak, Retired former chief of staff of the Air Force
David Cutler, Health economist, Harvard professor and member of Clinton White House Council of Economic Advisers.
David Blumenthal, Director, Institute for Health Policy, Harvard Medical School
Jeffrey Liebman, Economist, Harvard professor and member of Clinton White House Council of Economic Advisers.
Dan Tarullo, Georgetown law professor and former Bill Clinton economic adviser
Mark Alexander, campaign policy director, Seton Hall law professor, issues director for Bill Bradley’s2000 presidential campaign)
Heather Higginbottom, campaign senior policy strategist, Deputy national policy director for John Kerry 2004 campaign, Senate legislative director for John Kerry.
Endorsing Obama
John J. Sweeney, the president of the AFL-CIO, a devoted Socialist.
Ray Schoenke, founder of the bogus “American Hunters and Shooters Association”, a group that has squandered considerable funds on Handgun Control, Inc.
Bill Ayres and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, founders of the 60’s Weatherman group, responsible for the bombing of the Capitol, the Pentagon, and numerous law enforcement agencies and multiple murders, including a failed attempt to blow up a non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey, when the bomb exploded, prematurely, killing three associates. Ayres’ trial was dismissed on a technicality, while associates, Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans, who were apprehended while transporting 740 pounds of explosives and sentenced to long prison terms, where pardoned by President Clinton in January 2001. Ayres response to his acquittal?
“Guilty as hell! Free as a bird”!
"I don’t regret setting bombs," Ayers was quoted in the opening line of the Times profile; "I feel we didn’t do enough."
The trials were no secret, as they were followed, vigorously, in the news, yet when asked about his knowledge and association with Ayres, Obama’s response was, “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.” However, when Obama made his first attempt at running for public office, he listed as one of his qualifications Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an organization founded by Ayres. In essence, Obama worked for Ayres. Obama’s very political career was launched in the home of Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn, yet Obama, to this day, downplays the significance of his relationship with Ayres, a man who is an admitted and unrepentant terrorist. This is all public record. However, when NRO Contributing Editor, Stanley Kurtz attempted to view the CAC records, which were housed in the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago, in order to flush out the relationship between Ayres and Obama, he was denied access (to public records).
Disgraced and convicted former D.C. mayor, Marion Barry.
Senator Robert Byrd
Former President Jimmy Carter
Cuban dictator Fidel Castro
The Center for Constitutional Rights, a group of around 500 lawyers who are defending the rights of Guantánamo prisoners. Their major funds come from Institute for Islamic Thought, and organization that was raided by Federal agents in 2002 for the funding of terrorist organizations.
CNN, who’s campaign coverage has been so lop-sided that it is estimated that the Obama campaign will receive in the neighborhood of $300 billion in free advertising.
Communist Party of Illinois
Communist Party, USA
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
Carl Davidson, former vice president of SDS and a Fidel Castro sidekick.
George Soros and the Democracy Alliance have poured more than $100 million dollars into the Obama media tsunami.
John Edwards
Jodie Evans. Obama snubbed veterans and military families, who urged Obama to denounce and not to meet with Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink, which has not only taken the stance that Osama bin Laden had a "valid argument" for attacking America on Sept. 11, 2001 and endorsing the Iraqi terrorists but has funded the enemy to the tune of over $600,000.
Louis Farrakhan, reviver of The Nation of Islam
Al Gore
Former SDS president Tom Hayden
Jesse Jackson. He’ll probably pull the lever for the dark-skinned candidate, but there’s some real bitter stuff going on here.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.). "I cried all night. I’m going to be crying for the next four years," he said. "What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. ... The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance."
Rep. William "Cold Cash" Jefferson, D-New Orleans
The Kennedys
John Kerry
Imprisoned former Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick
Michael Klonsky, leader of SDS and founder of the Maoist Communist Party
Senator Patrick Leahy (D. Vermont)
Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama. According to the group’s, "This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency." -- "Under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat."
Former Senator George McGovern
George “General Betray US” Soros,
NBC, where pro-Obama reports outweigh anti-Obama reports and McCain reports by a staggering 10-1
Time Magazine put Obama’s face on its cover 7 times in one year
The front page of The Washington Post has exposed Obama 3-1 over McCain. The reason given was that the public knows less about Obama (which is true) than McCain, but the Post’s ombudsman Deborah Howell stated that the “disparity…was so wide that it doesn't look good."
Muslim Americans for Obama ’08, which, on their site (which is attached to Obama’s site) “proposes installing Muslim prayer areas in public places (i.e. Malls, Airports, Universities and government buildings.) and giving Muslims time off for prayer and has denounced Obama’s colleagues in the U.S. Senate who happen to be Jewish.”
The Muslim American Society (Formerly, the Muslim Brotherhood), founded by Hassan al-Banna is a group that promotes the use of violence to spread Islamic law, including the use of suicide bombings against Israelis, which is not really suicide, but “a religious duty, which is jihad against the enemy."
NARAL, which has supported Obama through four votes against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act while a state senator in Illinois.
The National Education Association
New Black Panther Party
On his rise to power, Obama received the support of The New Party, “a Marxist political coalition whose objective was to endorse and elect leftist public officials.” Their members came from Democratic Socialists of America and the organization ACORN, Committees of Correspondence, a Marxist coalition, and Communist Party USA members.
New York Feminists for Peace and Barack Obama
Obama Supporters for Marijuana Law Reform
Youth 4 Obama, formerly Obama Youth, which originally used the Islamic crescent as their symbol.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Obama…"A leader that God has blessed us with at this time."
Planned Parenthood
Nicaraguan Communist President Daniel Ortega who says that Obama “is a spokesman for the millions of Central American and Mexican citizens who migrate to the U.S…”
Project Islamic H. O. P. E
Libya's Moammar Qaddafi, “We still hope that this black man will take pride in his African and Islamic identity, and in his faith, and that [he will know] that he has rights in America, and that he will change America from evil to good, and that America will establish relations that will serve it well with other peoples, especially the Arabs."
Tony Rezko
Bill Richardson was sent to Venezuela to secure release of the Americans held hostage by FARC, the Columbian terrorist organization which is funded by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and came back with Chavez’s endorsement for Barack.
Senator Jay Rockefeller
Senator Bernie Sanders, an open Socialist and founder of the Progressive Caucus, a front organization for Democratic Socialists of America, called Obama "one of the great leaders of the United States Senate," in spite of the fact that he had only been a member of the Senate for less than two years and, in all, had shown up for work only 143 days, chaired two committees (which have never once convened) and has participated in three bills, one of which was for the naming of a post office. The others were The Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Diplomacy Promotion Act of 2006," which provides $200 billion for AIDES awareness in Africa and then, the addition of another $50 billion, sum up Obama’s legislative accomplishment since joining the Senate.
Malaak Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X
Rev. Al Sharpton
The Socialist Party USA
The Teamster’s Union threw in their full support when Obama vowed to dissolve the three-member investigative Justice Department review watchdog, which was installed to eliminate corruption and mob involvement. In a statement to The Wall Street Journal, Obama believes that the board "has run its course," because "organized crime influence in the union has drastically declined."
When, Cornell West, an avowed radical Marxist Harvard/Yale Professor, racist and self-styled rapper introduced Obama at a fundraiser, he introduced him as ”my comrade”. Recently, we went to see West speak at a local University. He was there to speak about the opportunities for the disabled, but shamelessly hoodwinked the young audience by turning the speech into a rally for Obama.
James Yee, Camp Delta Muslim chaplain and assigned Democratic precinct delegate for Obama, was jailed for spying, released and went to Syria to speak on television to talk about the injustice of Gitmo
Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Keith Ellison, speaking at the Muslim Youth Leadership Symposium in Illinois said, “…if more people knew of what Islam had to teach, the controversy created by statements from presidential candidate Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, might not have occurred.”
Rashid Khalidi
Hamas leader Ahmed Yousef is a major supporter of Obama. On June 4th, Obama stated, "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided." On June 5th, Hamas told Obama that they were extremely angry about this stance. On June 6th, Obama said that, “Palestinians and Israelis had to negotiate the future of the holy city”. A 180 on the most fundamental issue in Israel, because of Palestinian and Hamas pressure.
The Saudi paper Al-Watan stated that “U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is more capable than anyone else of bringing about change in U.S. policy, particularly in all things connected to the Middle East”.
Hatem El-Hady, chairman of the Toledo, Ohio-based Islamic charity, Kindhearts (AKA Holy Land Foundation and Global Relief Foundation), which were closed by the US Government in February 2006 for HAMAS fundraising and all its assets frozen, has redirected his fundraising for Barack Obama.
Imam Hassan Qazwini, an Iranian agent and avowed supporter of the destruction of Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah and suicide bombings in Palestine has come to America to run the Islamic Center of America, where he has an open door policy for Obama. Qazwini is a close ally of Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fad Allah, who ordered Hezbollah terrorists to murder over 300 U.S. Marines and U.S. Embassy civilians.
Dr. Khalid A-Mansour
Nadhmi Auchi
One half of the American voters
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Legitimizing of a Chicago Thug

I’m disappointed Magellan. A Hoya-educated, tall, basketball playing entrepreneur who has a temper tantrum over Richard Cohen’s temper tantrum. But, neither of you did your due diligence. I really don’t like diving into the muddy, lower rung issues of “talking points”, but neither you, nor Cohen debunked anything with your outbursts. Using the Confederate Flag issue as a launch to his tirade was trivial and disconnected. I can’t believe that leftist thugs like Joy Behar actually gets paid for what she does. Both sides will do whatever it takes to win this election, which levels that playing field. For instance, referring to two of McCain ads: “The other asserted that Obama supported teaching sex education to kindergarteners…is a lie”.
It is not a lie. You see, there are two versions of Barry’s position on this. One, which I heard on NPR, has Barry stating that he won’t support it. The other, unedited version of this clip continues, “…even though it’s the right thing to…”
In regards to the “lipstick” controversy, there is no gray area that when McCain used this reference, he was directly referring to some of Bush’s policies. When Barry used it, even though he denies it, the subject was Palin and there was no reference to anyone’s policies. He may have thought that this was clever…but it was a slip…no different than when his faith…as a Muslim…slipped out in his interview with former Clinton Press Secretary, George Stephanopoulos . You see, McCain hasn’t “turned ugly”. But, this old, bitter fart of a columnist wants you to think so and the basis for his so-called credibility is that he was once “in the tank for McCain”, but no longer is. That’s it. He WANTS you to be bitter. Once again, I feel that slapping one talking point over another until you have an ugly bumper is un-evolved. But, I am fascinated by whatever process and whatever accomplishments have made a racehorse out of Barry. So, let’s take a look at some of these points.
Accomplishments are sparse. He became the first Afro-American to become Editor of the Harvard Review. This is good. He published two memoirs, “Dreams of My Father” and “Audacity of Hope”, which IS an accomplishment, even though they established him as a lost soul, race-obsessed, bitter, droning man-boy. The novels are rife with lies and inconsistencies that attempt to define him. He did a good job here…of establishing himself as a lost soul, race-obsessed, bitter, droning man-boy. What else has he done? Well, he made his bones with his up-line in the brutal world of Chicago politics by joining ACORN, the largest radical left-wing organization in the Country, the organization that pays people to pad the voter registration rosters. Dead people. Non-citizens. You name it. Anyone think that this is okay? And, by the way, the Gore-Bush race wasn’t as close as is thought, when you factor in the Florida counties that had more registered Democratic voters than population, thanks to ACORN. He became a State Senator…albeit a part-time Senator…and watched his Democratic counterparts prancing around the Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae playground while they raped these organizations into submission with huge donations, including Barry, while other Clintonites walked away with vast fortunes (!) until it collapsed into submission. Barry’s two top economic advisors are the two people responsible for administering these two victims of greed. Anyone want four more years of THAT?
I’m going skip his associations, which are so atrocious, that as a private citizen, he would be denied any sort of government clearance. Except one. Raila Odinga, a cousin and member of his (father’s) tribe in Kenya, where Barry went to help Odinga establish Kenya as a Muslim state, where less than 30% of the population is Muslim. Odinga is a Muslim, supported by Saudi money who intends to set up Sharia law. Do you know what they call Bar in Kenya? Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama. Kenya is a place where Muslims are attempting to eradicate Christians and there are places where, if Christians enter, they don’t exit. Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama, to the horror of American missionaries, has had free and easy access to these areas. He's really good at fanning flames...
The talking point of “another 4 years” doesn’t hold water, but even if it did, there hasn’t been another group of people as large as Obama supporters…people who have been scared into being afraid until they were tired of being afraid…and leapt “into a politician's lap”…since the Germans in the 30’s. Ah, I can hear it now…Ridge is comparing Barry to Adolf, but I’m not. I’m comparing the process that helped them rise to power until the weak and scared leapt into the lap of The One who offered “hope and change”.
Lastly, let’s talk about morality…which is above Bar’s pay grade. In the ‘Right to Life/Right to Choose’ issue, all of the chips are raked off the table. In defense of Sarah Palin’s decision not to abort her last child, the Left criticized her choice. Bar clearly stated that such a decision would be a “nuisance to the medical profession”. But, the Left promotes the ‘Right to Choose’…but does that mean Only the Right to Choose Abortion?
Hell, I’m no big fan of McCain, but he topped any of Barry’s accomplishments the moment the wheels of his fighter jet left the ground in his first solo flight.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Will Hunting on Energy

Recently, Barry Obama hired Will Hunting as a consultant on his energy plan.
“Hello, Will, I’m glad to have you on board. Rather than tell me what is good about my energy plan, I would like you to tell me what is wrong with my energy plan.”
“Okay. Well, there is very little wrong with your plan, Bar…except that when you have totally moved food out of the food chain and one of your failed lawyers, who joined your team because he was guilted out of the law profession because of its competitive nature, slams a Big Mac on your desk and tells you that this grease ball is our last hope at keeping the entire industrialized world running and you order all Big Macs sent to lubricate the Wind Farms, which cover the size of the Louisiana Purchase, which you subsidized because no creative, inventive free market capitalists would flip a dime for them, so that Buck, from Ames, Iowa could power-up his Monster Tractor at the Iowa State Bring-Your-Own-Food County Fair, leaving the entire North American population dependent on cannibalizing anyone left with a shred of meat on their bones. Then, one day, when your car refuses to start until you add a little salt and butter to the gas, a faint voice in your head reminds you that someone once said that we have more oil than all of the OPEC Nations, but since you thought it would be a good idea to wean us off internal combustion engines and lower the carbon footprint of each and every American to that of a pioneer trying to catch squirrels by pouncing on them with political correctness, because the temperature of the Arctic Ocean might rise 1/10th of a degree over the next fifty years, forcing Polar Bears to migrate 75 feet. And this all moves up the food chain until, one day, your hungry pets run for their lives because you start looking at them the way they look at a bone with a little grizzle on it and you chase them into the streets, only to find that the People who looked to you for hope...and $1000...are all huddling around the back of their useless cars, sucking the last drops of our food chain out of their gas tanks with siphon hoses, hoping that a kernel or two might have slipped through the cracks, when you are stung by the poison-tipped arrows that came out of the blow guns of the band of 12 African Bushmen who have conquered America because they are the only ones who know how to survive without oil and you fall into to your normal, everyday, dream-like state where you would give it all back for a Red Amazonian Tree Frog on a Ritz cracker and you dream of when you were 33 and living in New York, where your most vivid and long lasting impressions were of watching the White People bringing their dogs into your neighborhood to poop on the sidewalks, but in your dream you're not’re focused on the poodles...and barbeque sauce. Back in Ames, Old Buck, a creative, inventive free market capitalist, turns the wind mills into processing plants for Soylent Green, which invigorates what’s left of the population and he becomes the Messiah that you had hoped to be, until one day, he’s run over and killed by the last truckload of corn headed to Exxon/Mobile, where no one will be waiting for the delivery, because you were so obsessed with their 8% profit margin that you taxed the crap out of them to subsidize technologies that are at least 50 years out, with nothing to replace gasoline, while the only well-fed life forms left on Earth are Polar Bears and Bushmen. What do I think? I think that you should order all nuclear weapons to be shot at the Sun in hopes of creating enough Sun spots to warm the Earth up just enough to continue scaring people into believing that emissions from their cars will cause a chain of events that will lead to Aides Rain and then tax the crap out of three of the biggest emitters of CO2 on the planet: Beer producers, the bread industry and right-wing talk show hosts, because the only sponsors of left-wing talk show hosts are people who subsidize it with taxes, begged-for donations and dead people’s money, because no creative, inventive free market capitalists will flip a dime for it. Lunch?”
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Perhaps, History’s Most Evil Man

When we think of bad, bad people, it doesn’t take a Spartan effort to start rattling off evil-doers. As Americans, we recite names beyond our own boundaries. As the list thins out, we may name American mass murderers, assassins, various politicians and greedy industrialists, until we resort to film villains and sports cheaters. The name of Morris Fishbein will never come up. But it should. I’m about to tell you about a man who is, perhaps, the most evil man to ever walk on American soil and should be included in any discussion of History’s Most Evil Men.. He is responsible for nothing less than a holocaust…one that continues to this very day…long after his own death in 1976…
Born in 1889, Morris Fishbein had planned a life as a circus clown. Somewhere along the way, he found out that he could earn a far better living in the medical field. He entered medical school, where he failed anatomy and barely graduated. In his entire career as a doctor, he never treated a patient. He did, however, find his own niche in the medical field as the Director of the AMA and editor of the equally powerful Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) from 1924-1949. His predecessor at the AMA, George H. Simmons, was an abortionist. During Simmon’s tenure, the AMA began the accreditation process for medical schools, dismissing anything “homeopathic” as dogma. During this same period, forced enrollment in the AMA increased from 8000 members to 70,000. This increase in revenue, from enrollment and from advertising in the JAMA, did not go to research…it went directly to Simmons and the AMA. In 1913, Simmons created the "Propaganda Department”, which was designed to harass anyone who practiced unconventional medical and research methods. Fishbein headed up publicity for this department.
When the AMA was founded in 1847, its purpose was to meet and share information. When Fishbein took over the AMA, it became the clearinghouse through which drugs and medical devices would be approved and which ones would not. He was trained to use the media “to attack anyone who provided a real or perceived threat to conventional medicine”. Fishbein became the sole decision-maker. There were no testing agencies back then and his decisions were based on who paid for expensive ads in the JAMA…whether the drugs worked or not. His prime directive was driven by greed and personal gain.
The groundwork for Fishbein’s cash cow was laid before he entered the scene. The AMA was a good thing for medicine, until cliques divided the group and “clever ideas” were tabled, such as using the organization as a regulatory agency that would be used to do things such as limit the number of doctors that schools could release in order to increase the personal incomes of those who were allowed to practice, without considering how this would limit research and the expansion of an available medical database, which would have slowed genuine progress to a standstill.
In 1900, three doctors proposed converting the AMA into a “closed corporation”, giving the AMA and these three men complete control of what was allowed entry into medicine and what was not. In 1924, one of the three Lords of Medicine was forced to resign and Fishbein was named to replace him. Within ten years, Fishbein owned the AMA lock, stock and barrel (remember, it was a private corporation), extorting millions of dollars from doctors who would not have been allowed to practice without the “blessing” of the AMA’s Seal of Approval. The same process that was applied to medicine and research was, ultimately…and still is…applied to food products. But, his prime source of income was from advertising in the JAMA. The touch of Fishbein’s magic wand legitimized the tobacco industry, which was his largest and most generous client. ("Just what the doctor ordered"…L&M cigarettes; and "For digestion's sake, smoke Camels"…because the magical Camel cigarettes would "stimulate the flow of digestive fluids".) It was this endorsement that forced Fishbein to resign from the AMA in 1950, when a medical student discovered that 96% of patients in cancer wards were smokers…after which, he accepted a lucrative position as a consultant to the tobacco industry, but not before this man…who shaped the American Medical Complex…was allowed to perpetrate what amounts to genocide on the American Public. The AMA had become an extortion house of ferocious magnitude and it’s tentacles reached into every area that affected the health industry.
Enter a man named Royal Raymond Rife, a bona fide scientific genius. There’s a reason why you have probably never heard of Rife and that reason is Morris Fishbein. Rife’s area of expertise encompassed optics, microscopes, electronics and microbiology and he has advanced many areas of technology that are still in use today. His first major invention was the first microscope that was powerful enough to see a virus without killing it. This was huge. The problem with his “Universal Microscope” was that it took an inordinate amount of time to bring a pathogen into focus. In 1932, after 12 years of attempting to correct this problem, he had finally perfected his machine. He was the first man to see a live virus and this technology has only recently been replaced with more powerful optics, much of which still cannot do what Rife’s microscope was capable of doing: seeing, but not killing a micro-organism. (He did this by replacing dyes, which were too large to enter the microorganism, with light from an infinite spectrum. He also contended, correctly, that standard chemotherapy was ineffective and that since cancer was anaerobic…as in requiring low oxygen saturation (low pH) and that chemotherapy was also anaerobic…that chemotherapy was more than useless…it was, in itself, carcinogenic.)
The point of departure for Rife, who could now see “the enemy”, was to learn enough about them to be able to turn healthy cells into pathogens, which he did after thousands of unsuccessful tries. He had identified what he believed to be a virus that he named the “BX virus”, which he also believed caused cancer. (It turns out that he was wrong about it being a virus, but not wrong about it causing, or actually being a cancer.) He then subjected the BX “virus” to an array of radio frequencies to see how it would react. One product of this process was called the "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" (MOR).
Imagine this: You have three crystal glasses. The first one has a relative thickness of “1”. The second has a relative thickness of “2”. And the third has a relative thickness of “4”. You then create a machine that “taps” the glass with a little metal pin and you can control the force with which the pin strikes the glass. You start tapping glass #1 with the mildest force and increase the force of each tap until the glass shatters. Glass #1 requires a relative force of …let’s say…1.246. The second glass is twice as thick as the first, so you start at 1.246 and increase the force until it shatters, which we will say is 2.452. Shattering the third glass, which is twice as thick as the second, requires a force of 4.904. Now, convert the tapping machine into a machine that emits radio frequencies; the glasses with viruses and pathogens; “shatter” with “mortality”… and you have the Mortal Oscillatory Rate for viruses and pathogens. He found a way to use resonance to kill cancer with radio waves. This was over 70 years ago. And he found a way to do it for the cost of turning on a light bulb. (I’ve seen videos of viruses exploding using this treatment.)
After learning the Mortal Oscillatory Rate for over 50 infectious diseases, including herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, pin worms, streptothrix (fungi), rabies and cancer, he treated 400 laboratory animals (after creating the cancer) and successfully eradicated the disease in all of them, without damaging any healthy cells. He did this by viewing the pathogens under his Universal Microscope while turning the dial on his frequency generator. When the cell exploded, or became "devitalized”, he noted the frequency. Once this was done, it was easy to duplicate. Over a forty-year period, Rife went on to discover the MOR for about 600 different forms of bacteria and viruses.
From a scientific model, there was no theory supporting his work, no peer-reviewed journals on the subject. He was ahead of his own curve. But it worked. In the political world of science, the rule of thumb is that if there is no precedent, it must not be valid. One influential dufus was Dr. Thomas Rivers, who had never looked through a Rife microscope and since he couldn’t see a live virus through his own equipment and hadn’t ever seen a live virus at all, he concluded that Rife’s work must be bogus, and there was "no logical basis for belief in this theory." (Rife was not alone in this area. There were a host of other researchers who were working independently and who were producing successful results, while working in more narrow parameters than Rife. One notable example would be Dr. Albert Abrams, who was killing tuberculosis and typhoid bacilli. These two pathogens, however, still exist and people still suffer from them.)
Confident that his resonance treatment would work on humans, the University of Southern California created a Special Medical Research Committee which imported16 terminally ill cancer patients and a medical team, which would participate and follow through with the patient’s progress. Included on this team were the Chief of Bacteriology (Mayo Clinic), the Director of the Northwestern Medical School, the President of USC and pathologists and physicians from the Children’s Hospital, N.Y, the Hooper Foundation, S.F. and Chicago University. After 90 days of treatment (3 minutes per day, every third day), 14 of the 16 patients were totally cured, while the other two required an additional four weeks of treatment. There was a 100% cure rate for the cost of a little electricity, with no pain and no side effects. Six independent doctors confirmed the results.
In 1937, Rife helped to establish the Beam Ray Company, which began producing the machines. It was immediately banned by the AMA (aka Morris Fishbein), even though at least one of the doctors, a presiding member of the Special Medical Research Committee continued to use a Rife frequency generator, successfully and “illegally”, for over 20 years.
As soon as Fishbein heard about Rife’s success, he sent an attorney to make an offer to buy-out Rife. This was not the first time that Fishbein pulled this stunt. His standard offer was 0% of the profits for the first 9 years (the “trial period”) and 10% to the inventor there after). He had done this to a researcher and inventor named Harry Hoxsey who had developed an herbal cure for skin cancer. Fishbein testified in court that the cure worked, but when Hoxsey refused Fishbein’s offer, the AMA had Hoxsey arrested 125 times in less than a year and a half for “practicing without a license”. People like Hoxsey were lucky if Fishbein only placed them on the AMA’s Quackery List, or revoked their licenses, which he had the self-appointed power to do.
After failed attempts to get Rife to sell, lawsuits ensued until Fishbein bankrupted Rife and Beam Ray. Furthermore, a 1939 ruling resulted in the end of any further study of, or investigation into Rife’s technology. In spite of turning to alcohol, Rife teamed up with an electrical engineer named John Crane and continued to refine and build more advanced machines. Back in court, Fishbein sued the pair. Even though more than a dozen patients testified to the success of the treatments, Crane went to prison for over 3 years (the jury foreman was an AMA doctor) and the AMA shut Rife down. Rife’s lab was ransacked and all, or part of his equipment and 50 years records were seized and disappeared. Just before the Burnett Lab in New Jersey was to announce confirmation of Rife’s work, it was burned to the ground. Arson was confirmed. Also, Dr. Milbank Johnson, Rife’s biggest supporter was preparing a formal presentation of Rife’s work, when he suddenly died. By the time that Fishbein was done with Rife, proof of Rife’s work became as elusive and legendary as Atlantis. Rife crumbled and drank himself to death, dying in 1971. This is your American Medical Association at work.
(Royal Rife was not the first person in history to face the assassination of his credibility for working outside status quo. Semmelweis was persecuted for promoting the importance of sterilization in surgery; Pasteur for insisting that bacteria causes diseases; Roentgen for his X-rays, Morton for anesthesia; Harvey for his theory of the circulation of blood. Many others, including W.F. Koch, Revici, Burzynski, Naessens, Priore, Livingston-Wheeler, and Hoxsey paid a heavy price for challenging the establishment.)
In 1931, Dr. Milbank Johnson, the man who created the Special Medical Research Committee that cured the 16 cancer patients, held "The End to All Diseases" dinner in Rife’s honor, with 44 medical professionals attending. After Fishbein sued Rife in 1939, all but two of those attendees would even admit that they knew Rife. Two of the lead players on the Special Medical Research Committee were silenced with enormous Depression Era grants (one “retired” to Mexico), while the other 40 went along with the agenda and just continued prescribing the untested drugs that the AMA approved. Of note are Milbank Johnson and a Dr Couche, who continued to explore Rife’s work.
So, how does the world get to know about the work of Royal Rife? The answer was through the JAMA, whose chief editor was one…you guessed it…Morris Fishbein, which was controlled by the AMA and entirely owned by the same Morris Fishbein. The drug companies and the tobacco industry supported the JAMA, exclusively, and they had no vested interest in seeing people get healthy. So, Rife got buried.
Fishbein. Was. Good.
It should also be noted that the AMA has executed the same campaigns against chiropractics (“medical quackery”, "a malignant tumor"), osteopathy, homeopathic and alternative forms of health care (“cults”), health food stores, vitamins and supplements, as well as substances, such as Laetrile…even banning the importation and planting of Bitter Almond Trees, which contain the highest concentration of Laetrile, a substance that kills cancers. While Fishbein did alert the public to genuine quackery, he tagged all non-approved, unconventional medicine as quackery. Through his column, which was syndicated in over 200 newspapers and his nationally broadcasted radio show, he became the dominant force is shaping Modern American Healthcare.
So, what was the outcome of all of Fishbein’s greed? Let’s begin at the shallow end of the pool. For nearly 7 decades, medical students have been herded through schools without ever hearing of Royal Rife and went on to become professional “prescription writers” for drugs that are produced by the pharmaceutical companies that advertised in the JAMA. (Admittedly, we do now have the FDA for the testing of drugs, but the differences between the FDA and the AMA are about the same as the differences between crack dealers and meth dealers.) Instead of allowing cancer patients to spend 3 minutes, 2 or 3 times each week standing in front of what amounts to a bank of fluorescent bulbs…for pocket change (and the patients get to keep their hair and their homes)…the American medical industry has created the torturous chemo/radiation therapy gauntlet for those inflicted, at a cost of around $300,000 per patient for treatments that don’t work. Creative and beneficial medical research has been slowed to an excruciating pace, while $100’s of billions of dollars are being funneled through the AMA, the FDA, food and chemical companies and Big Pharma. Rife’s work would put a lot of wealthy people out of business, but, then again, barbers no longer take pints of blood from people with rheumatoid arthritis anymore, do they? You might also have to run interference with the insurance industry to get a real cure to market. In fact, the only people who will be overjoyed to talk to you will be sick people! Kind of puts into perspective who’s in control here, eh?
(After quite a bit of research on this subject, I have found few derogatory sources about Rife’s work. One is the Wikipedia entry on Rife, which fails to acknowledge any of Rife’s successes and was apparently written with a huge bias and some obvious and cheap shots. The other was a Google search entry which warns against purchasing a Rife machine. For $1.00, he’ll tell you why...)
If the medical establishment were to accept the fact that Rife’s work was legitimate, it would put an end to their gravy train…the one that pays for the research for cures for diseases that already have at least one a proven cure, and would make their acidic drugs obsolete Instead, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, AIDS, hepatitis, obesity and newly emerging diseases are epidemic. In Rife’s lifetime, the odds of getting cancer went from 1 in 24, to 1 in 3. Over 176,000 “cancer drugs” were submitted for approval. All that was required to get these drugs licensed were 'favorable' results in 1/6th of 1%’ of the cases. Nearly 20% of these drugs killed the patient, but the death report would state that at the time of death, the patient was “cured”, or “in partial remission” because the patient didn’t die from cancer. The world was denied a cure for cancer because it was not pharmaceutical-based and because Morris Fishbein could not find a way to profit from Rife’s work.
I did mention “holocaust” didn’t I? By 1960, more Americans had died from cancer than in all of the American wars, combined. This year alone (2008), it is projected that 1,772,000 American men, women and children will die from curable diseases and approximately 1,400,000 new cases will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, while The American Cancer Society remains the world’s wealthiest charity organization. Over the last 45 years, the incidence of all cancers has increased by 54.3% (If the dominant form of cancer…lung cancer, is removed from the equation, the increase is still quite impressive, at 40.8%). Since 1975, at least 20 million Americans, who had never been given a chance to try alternative methods of treatment and cures that are known to work, have died from cancer. In the under-14 age group for children diagnosed with cancer, they will live, on average, 69 years less than a healthy person. The lifespan of an adult who is diagnosed with cancer will be more than 20 years less than a healthy adult. The equivalent of 2% of the U.S. GNP is spent on barbaric treatments that don’t differentiate between sick cells and healthy cells. By 1980, American citizens were being bombarded with the annual production of 500 billion pounds of industrial, synthetic and carcinogenic chemicals, which attack and weaken our immune systems…all of which were approved by the AMA, FDA, or EPA…and much of which ends up in our food and water. This answers the question of why various cancer rates have increased over the last 50 years by 44% to over 100%. Since this all seems to be about money and 1 penny is spent on prevention, to every 99 cents that is spent on treatment, we will all have to learn how to cope with cancer at some time in our lives until the AMA can find a way to make money on prevention or viable treatments that really offer cures. This sounds like a slaughter to me…
The AMA, with their approved medicines and treatments, do not have a clue of how to cure these people. Actually, it’s never been their business to cure people. Their business has been to make money extorting doctors, inventors, researchers, drug companies, food companies, chemical companies…a model that was set in stone in Fishbein’s dealings with the tobacco industry.
Can Morris Fishbein be compared to the likes of Adolf Hitler? Absolutely. The genocide, in both cases, was the result of what started out as bullying techniques, and then blossomed into full-fledged fear campaigns. The difference is that Fishbein has and will continue to kill more people than Hitler. Long after Fishbein’s death, his killing machine is still rolling, larger and more deadly than ever.
I’ve said, many times, that the Medical/FDA/AMA/Big Pharma/Food Complex has no interest in making you healthy and now you know why they do what they do, you know what they do and how they do it...and you know who is responsible for it.
And Rife? What if he was wrong? What if he didn’t have the cure for 600 known diseases? What if it was only 20? Or 10?
Or 1?
Thanks, son of a bitch. I hope that you are forced to listen to accordions in hell...for eternity…
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Asthma and Hydrogen Peroxide

This is for all of you asthma sufferers out there. It's something that I learned along the way. It's quite amazing and I can attest to its success, as I struggled for 10 and night...with asthma. I'm now 100% asthma-free. So here goes...
You know that little brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide that you have in your medicine cabinet? This is remarkable stuff. Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable form of oxygen. That $2.00 bottle will produce 20 liters of free oxygen. Farmers know this. Hydrogen peroxide is formed, not only in our bodies, but in the upper atmosphere. When it rains, the falling water collides with the hydrogen peroxide and releases free oxygen. Plant life and crops love this stuff. But, with the advent of pollution and acid rain, this free oxygen isn't reaching the Earth like it used to, so farmers have to supplement the water they feed guessed it...hydrogen peroxide. Same thing happens when you take a high quality C vitamin, like calcium ascorbate; it collides with the hydrogen peroxide and releases oxygen that not only makes your system more alkaline, but hunts down and kills the bad guys. Pretty cool, eh?
Here's how to snuff out asthma...or at least put it to rest, if you can't avoid your triggers. If you can avoid your triggers...the asthma will go away. First, there are 2 kinds of hydrogen peroxide available to us. One is the 3% solution that you can buy anywhere. Second, is 'food grade' hydrogen peroxide, which is around 35%. Use only the 3% solution. Buy, empty and clean a nasal inhaler. Clean it really well, including the stem. Fill it halfway with water and halfway with the 3% hydrogen peroxide. DO NOT INHALE THROUGH THE NOSE. Do it down the throat, through your mouth. Exhale and do several sets of 3-5 puffs. It will produce a mild sting for a moment, but no big deal. This will flood your lungs with oxygen...big time. You will feel it within 30 seconds. An hour later you will feel it even more. Do this several times a day, until you just flat-out forget about it at all (AND your albuterol and steroid inhalers). Doing this will also destroy any of the bad guys down there and the excess oxygen that makes it into your bloodstream will cure a lot that ails you.
Another thing you can do is to remove pollutants from your body that fuel asthma. The best product that I have been able to find is available at any healthfood store and is called NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine). Good stuff. It will remove pollutants and heavy metals that are in suspension AND imbedded in soft tissues. Good luck. Let me know how this works for you...
For Ken
PS: If you are skeptical about this, then google "asthma hydrogen peroxide", okay?
Monday, April 21, 2008
An Elephant in a Dark Room

"Does the person in this photo look like a sinner to you? If it does, then I believe that you have a problem…." (Ridgewalker 2008)
Having just finished the epic and groundbreaking series, “The Ascent of Man” (1973)…the legacy of the brilliant mathematician and scientist, Jacob Bronowski, I feel the need to write; not so much about the series, but about conclusions and connections that I had made along the way. (Yes, in my March 12th entry, here, I totally pilfered one of his episodes and tried to camouflage the deed with some pictures, some humor, some irony…all failed, unless everyone who read it was thoroughly familiar with Bronowski’s work and, thus, didn’t want to embarrass me. Thanks…I guess….)
Bronowski wrote in his 1951 book "The Commonsense of Science" : "It has been one of the most destructive modern prejudices that art and science are different and somehow incompatible interests".
For comparative purposes, I would like to take the license of adding religion into the equation, baring in mind that I am interested in ascertaining relevance in Man’s evolution forward. What I’m not referring to is the ascension from ape-to-man, or fish-to-man. That’s only one possible line of thought. What I am referring to is Man’s evolution in terms of his understanding of the Universe .
Several times during this body of work, Bronowski refers back to the still nomadic Bakhtiari tribes of Iran and the way that children were not exposed the options of creativity, exploration, or any of the billion options that life has to offer. A child would become a goat-herder, just like his father. His father’s father was a goat-herder…as was his father and his father and his father. I think you get the point.
For eons, the Bakhtiari travelled from point A, to point B and back to point A with their goats. It was a perilous journey, however, having to ford powerful rivers and cross snow-capped peaks, barefoot. The point, here, is that everyday was the same, without variation and this added up to a lifetime in which there was little difference between a Bakhtiari’s life, at any given point in time, and that of one of his ancestors, 1000 years before. These people did not ascend…they did not evolve, but they did survive by going around and around…locked in the revolving door of their existence.
A prime example of this occurs at the Karun River, where a rite of passage takes place. The Karun is a cold, swift river and a boy becomes a man when he can cross the Karun on his own. Those that fail, do so with dire consequences. And when a man becomes too old to cross the Karun, he is left behind on the banks to die…alone.
Other cultures…ones that sought variation and creativity and freedom of thought would not have evolved such rituals. They would have actually conceived of and acted on the need to do something like...building a bridge, perhaps? What a novel idea! With the Bakhtiari, there was no room for the kind of personal growth that may have led to bridge-building. To them, there was only one way to do things: the way it had been done before.
I’m not judging their way of life. This is just the way it is. While the rest of Mankind was ascending and evolving and gaining a broader understanding of the world, they were not.
Science and Art are more playful. While the Bakhtiari are absolute in their perception of the world, Science and Art have proven themselves to be ridiculously flexible, by comparison. They encourage exploration. They encourage failure. This is not to say that much Science and Art have not been suppressed and even burned throughout the millennia.
Enter religion.
Science and Art…Science, in particular, has given Mankind its greatest range of knowledge in the understanding of the Universe. For the better part of its existence, Art has been controlled by religion and power, with its sole purpose being to focus peoples’ attention back into religion, in an attempt to explain and enforce the yet unexplainable. It couldn't quite contain the scope of Science, however. There is to this day, a futile struggle between Science and Religion (but not between Science and Faith) as if one is better or more important than the other. Scientists have a great deal of faith.
One argument against Science is that Science cannot prove how everything was created; that such diversity cannot be an accident...could not have risen from chaos. Well, this is a loaded assertion. First, Science doesn’t have the reach necessary to answer questions like this (no "yet" is implied). But, scientists know this and that an assertion like this is baseless. They have just begun exploring. Not having the answer to "Everything" is not a bad thing and nothing to be ashamed of, nor should it require a defensible position. Millions of books have been written on scientific subjects, but there is no one book of absolutes…no one book with all of the answers. A bibliophile, who has made a career out of reading the bible, feels superior to someone who actually works at learning and admits to not having all of the answers. But, they insist that if someone were to give up their belief in what science has to offer and start reading the bible, they WILL find ALL of their answers, which I think is ludicrous.
As cultures evolved and Man’s contributions mounted, nomads like the Bakhtiari assimilated into more attractive situations. Creating a surplus of agricultural products was one of the first major advancements to lure people out of nomadic lifestyles. Housing. Craftsmen. Irrigation. Herders could now choose from an array of trades and professions. Creativity exploded. Bridges were built. Places of study were established. Libraries. Universities. There was no way to snuff out Man’s burning desire to know more.
But there was a force that tried…a force that has always wanted to skip the learning process, get right to the end of knowledge where there is nothing else to learn, except for reading the same book over and over and over, until they were good enough to quote passages because they didn’t have what it took to be a real expert at anything else. This force claims to know everything that there is to know and nothing else needs to be known. Since Man cannot prove where all things came from and does not yet understand all that needs to be understood, Religion has offered an answer: God did it. Period. And all else is irrelevant, or at best, lesser, inferior. How does a person justify this? They believe it and it is “written” in a book, is the usual answer. Of course, there are varying degrees of intensity of “Thou shall not question”, here.
I believe that having faith in something is important to Man’s evolution. Rituals create communities, which brings ideas together. Being closer together makes people stronger and safer. Together, people can do more than they can alone. The Bakhtiari are a counter-example of this. (I’m sure that some Bakhtiari eventually became great architects.) Praying to a God…whether this is a way of summoning to his ones own conscience, or whether there really is One Guy who made all of this occur, is good in that it allows a person to search…it can guide a person to doing the right things. But, when the fear factor is introduced and a person is cajoled into believing that Man has evolved so far as to have attained an absolute answer to life, disregarding any other possibilities, found, or not yet found, is arrogant and sad and hordes of humanity have been corralled into believing that they are unworthy sinners.
Einstein did not disregard the possibility of the existence of a God, but this did not dissuade him from exploring all of the other possibilities. He was in awe of the unexplainable and agreed that creating a God in Man’s image was dangerous, yet effective.
"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."
Einstein did not believe that a prayer could influence the events of the Universe. "I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal." (Einstein, 1954) Note that Albert does not force his opinion down the throat of the reader. He states, very clearly, that these are only his opinions and not facts, even though a single bible would sit in the shadows of tomes of scientific literature filled with facts and data. I'm sure Albert would accept anything that could be proven.
Personally, I have always had a problem with the concept of a Big Guy waving a wand and making all of this occur. I have also had a hard time believing that all of this was made so by a Big Bang. As far as we know, there may be Big Bangs occurring every five minutes somewhere beyond the scope of our reach that are part of the cycle of life where things are destroyed and things are created. Science explores the Big Bang because this is the limit of its expanding knowledge. Do I have a hard time believing, or acknowledging that what we see is the result of an explosion? Not at all. The killer, here, is the time factor, which, like unimaginable distances is…well…unimaginable. We can’t wrap our heads around the kinds of things that take 3000 million years to happen. Not having the ability to grasp this should not give Passage Pushers free reigns to disregard the monumental contributions of his fellow men. The Big Bang is a theory. God is an feeling and an assumption until its presence can be proved...which I don't believe will be anytime soon. I'm okay with that. One is based on a series of facts and probabilities that lead to a logical conclusion. The later cannot offer any proof other than “It's true because I believe”. A lot of good that does anyone else.
I guess the thing that gets to me, and always will, is the fear factor that is infused into religion. As an army, The Church was effective. They wanted to exert control, en masse, and it worked. It, first, had to establish itself as an authority, so it created the “you’re an unworthy sinner from birth-to-death” mentality and forced people to pay homage their whole life under the threat of eternal damnation. This, I more than believe, is a man-made concept. 'Oh…you won’t pay homage? Well, God wants ME to show YOU what you have to look forward to in Hell for not believing and not living your life in fear. People being burned alive. Impaled. Crucifixions as far as the eye can see. Torture. Persecution. Ethnic cleansing. Witch hunts. This is YOU for eternity AFTER you die'. This is beyond arrogant. It’s insidious and limits the reach of its victims.
This is the foundation that The Church was built on. None of it…neither the ultimate rewards, or the ultimate punishments can be proved…not to this day. Not because it says so in the bible.
Then again, whether any of this is true or not…it can’t be disproved, either…which means that no absolutes have yet been discovered. I can live with that. What I can’t handle is one person out of the 6.5 billion people on this Earth telling me that THEY are the one with THE ANSWER…because they read it in a book…posting on the Internet as if they were talking to their own imaginary congregation because everyone in their real life is bored, sick of listening to them, or readily agrees with them and they're unsatisfied with the lack of resistance, which they need so they can swing their swords and, of course, it gives them another opportunity to puff-up their chests and quote from more passages. These proselytizers and Passage Pushers are the broken-records-of-humanity. I'm pretty sure that they are working hard at convincing themselves that they are strong enough and powerful enough to actually bare the weight of faith in an attempt to destroy other peoples’ faiths, as were any number of fascists who had what it took to actually wield power over other people. Some of these Passage Pushers are very aggressive in their assault, swinging their cyber sword as if they were conducting another crusade, while others are more passive/aggressive about it. Can't always see these guys coming. Make no mistake about it...they are judging you as if they were God, themselves, while telling you that only God can...ah...forgetaboutit. What's the point? If you're afraid of're afraid of life...
They all fell for the oldest trick in The Book.
I always proofread my work aloud, so that Stark can get her licks in. She came back with the “Elephant in a Dark Room” scenario: A group of people are put in a pitch, dark room, encircling an elephant, not knowing that it is an elephant. Each is instructed to reach out and describe what they feel. Each person describes something unique…their own version of what they experience. They are, of course, each describing a part of the exact same thing…something that they cannot understand the full scope of. A Passage Pusher will interpret what they describe as an absolute…that THIS is what it is. The scientist will describe what they experience and be driven to know what the part that they touched is connected to. They both serve a purpose, I guess, although one moves humanity forward, while the other does not.
Either way, what each are experiencing is profound and amazing. This is where I think everyone should agree: that Life is profound and amazing. The wrench in the works are those who insist on stopping at an absolute and being satisfied that there is nothing more…that we don’t need to know anything more. This is what it is and: There. Is. Nothing. More. I don't think I would have been happy in Midieval times.
Do I have faith? I do…in many things, but I’m not going to spend a minute of my precious time on Earth attempting to break someone else down by trying to shovel what I believe down peoples’ throats. If someone wanted to engage anyone in a discussion of their core beliefs, why in the world would they use such a monotonous, repetitious, uncreative, boring and oppressive approach?
Lastly, I believe that there is good and bad in all Science, Art and Religion. All are guilty of trying and quite often are successful at blowing toxic smoke in our faces. In some areas it is epidemic. This can all be traced back to bad people with bad intentions with ulterior motives.
I had to get this off my chest…once…
I'm sure that I'm not right about everything, as no one is, so can we all please meet in the middle and agree that the child in the picture is not a sinner, any more than I am a saint?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I was awakened the other morning by a primal scream. Someone was in trouble and needed my help. I got up and looked around, but found nothing unusual. I went outside with a flashlight and found nothing. It was 2:30am. I could see the lights from the Dairy Queen through the trees. Orion was setting. Not an animal in sight. All was well and I went back to bed, but I couldn’t sleep. There WAS something, or someone…somewhere…in distress and I was going to find the answer. I looked to my dreams…
I found myself in a church and there was a choir of red necks wearing Boston Red Sox hats, chewing Grizz and singing New York State of Mind to the tune of Achey Breaky Heart. Instead of saying “Amen” at the end of each prayer, the congregation droned, “Fuuuuunnnny!” There was a guy with a sword walking up and down the aisles, lopping off heads, indiscriminately. And I could hear the anguished voice of someone yelling, “Help me! Help me!” I walked down the center aisle and as I approached the swordsman, a tall guy in the shadows pushed “delete” and the swordsman disappeared. I approached the alter...and there he was…Oscargamblesfro, with shocking pink hair, up on the wall, nailed to the cross, screaming, “Help me! Help me!”
This was too much and I awoke. There’s only one place that I can find Oscargamblesfro, so I got up and logged onto his homepage and searched for clues.
“Which MLB Team Should Sign Barry Bonds?”
“Suggestions for Improving RateItAll”
“Music Movies”
“Who the fuck is niehausappraiser?”
“Condiments, Dips & Toppings”
Nothing. Not a clue. (But he does have nice range, doesn't he?) I was willing to rifle through all of his 7502 reviews, if that was what it was going to take to help my friend.
And there it was. The mother lode:
I found myself in a church and there was a choir of red necks wearing Boston Red Sox hats, chewing Grizz and singing New York State of Mind to the tune of Achey Breaky Heart. Instead of saying “Amen” at the end of each prayer, the congregation droned, “Fuuuuunnnny!” There was a guy with a sword walking up and down the aisles, lopping off heads, indiscriminately. And I could hear the anguished voice of someone yelling, “Help me! Help me!” I walked down the center aisle and as I approached the swordsman, a tall guy in the shadows pushed “delete” and the swordsman disappeared. I approached the alter...and there he was…Oscargamblesfro, with shocking pink hair, up on the wall, nailed to the cross, screaming, “Help me! Help me!”
This was too much and I awoke. There’s only one place that I can find Oscargamblesfro, so I got up and logged onto his homepage and searched for clues.
“Which MLB Team Should Sign Barry Bonds?”
“Suggestions for Improving RateItAll”
“Music Movies”
“Who the fuck is niehausappraiser?”
“Condiments, Dips & Toppings”
Nothing. Not a clue. (But he does have nice range, doesn't he?) I was willing to rifle through all of his 7502 reviews, if that was what it was going to take to help my friend.
And there it was. The mother lode:
4/10/2008 2:43:00 PM
Light is purely a wave (no particle like properties). In: WebLists > Features > Miscellaneous (Features) > Incorrect Theories (Scientific and Some Not So Scientific)
(2 voted this helpful, 1 funny and I agree)
What could this mean? He got a “funny” on this one, but something told me that there was nothing funny about this. I tried to reconfigure the clues: Light. Waves. Particles. Scientific. When nothing came to me, I consulted my medical database and found the answer:
Bad FrankenBerry.
There is great history behind this. It seems that when FrankenBerry was introduced, General Mills used a food coloring that had such a long molecular chain, that the human body was unable to assimilate it and it passed right through, creating a syndrome called “FrankenBerry Stool”, or Pink Poop. This is true. A young body just couldn’t digest this stuff. When Count Chocula became the king of the Monster cereals, General Mills changed their marketing strategy on FrankenBerry, making it available mostly around Halloween, which gave them time to straighten out the pink dye problem…hoping that no one would notice the change. But, it just made some crave it more. It became the Grateful Dead of Monster Cereals, bringing with it a following into adult life. Then, when no one was looking, someone dumped 1000s of gallons of the old dye into a batch.
Bad FrankenBerry.
Yes, and Oscargamblesfro is an addict. He is suffering from FBSS…FrankenBerry Shock Syndrome. He no longer has the Pink Poop he was so fond of as a youngster. Excessive adult consumption of this dreaded foodstuff (and one bad batch) resulted in a Pink Coif (the color has a half-life of 25,000 years). But, Oscargamblesfro asked for help and I can’t let him down.
There are temporary measures that you can take, Oscar. First, let’s not kid anyone; you’re not gonna stop eating FrankenBerry, but there is something that you can do to reduce that half-life. When you’re sitting there in front of the TV, watching Family Guy, or Just Shoot Me reruns, smoking and eating and you reach across to flick those 1-inch tubes of spent ash that are dangling from the end of your cigarettes and they drop into your bowl of FrankenBerry, just mix 'em in and forget about 'em. The carbon absorbs some of the dye and helps it to safely exit your body without turning your hair a darker shade of pink. The more…the better. Hell, there’s enough sugar in that stuff to mask a silo of Grizz, so a little ash ain’t gonna hurt none. But, you gotta face the fact that you’re looking at pink hair until Star Date 2743.65.
You are the 21st century Elephant Man…
Next, don’t cut your hair. Just let it go. The longer it gets, the lighter that shade of pink will get. If you do think of cutting your hair, you’re gonna end up going down the same path as so many others before you…you’re gonna try to dye it back to your natural color, but that ain’t gonna work. It’s really hard to mask neon pink and you’ll just end up looking like Forest Whitaker-gone-Emo.
Here’s some tips on going out. You can justify your pink hair by wearing a Ringling Brother’s T-shirt. Or, you can just pretend that you’re important and that’s why people are looking at you. Pretend you’re Richard Gere, or Al Gore. Or you can do something sensible like wearing a “I Ate Too Much Fucking FrankenBerry Cereal” sandwich board over your shoulders.
You can take the RIA approach and just surrender to the fact that God planned this before the Big Bang. Or, you can take the opposing position and say that you are an anomaly that evolved from a pink flamingo lawn ornament. Or you can take the scientific approach and say that your hair has never changed colors; it just began to absorb the photon particles from a different wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
Either way, you can rest assured that there are no absolutes. The last stroke of an artist’s paintbrush may end the painting, but the painting is never finished. Scientists may solve the problem of your pink hair, but it will create no absolutes. It may change your hair color back to normal, or to one of the billion, billion possibilities that have not yet been conceived. Think outside the box…forget about the bottom line…because there is none and anyone who does believe in that bottom line…the perception of absolutes…the way things must be…that there is only one way and one way only…is only headed down a road of misery and tragedy awaits them. Certainly, no God turned your hair pink.
It was Bad FrankenBerry.
Next, don’t cut your hair. Just let it go. The longer it gets, the lighter that shade of pink will get. If you do think of cutting your hair, you’re gonna end up going down the same path as so many others before you…you’re gonna try to dye it back to your natural color, but that ain’t gonna work. It’s really hard to mask neon pink and you’ll just end up looking like Forest Whitaker-gone-Emo.
Here’s some tips on going out. You can justify your pink hair by wearing a Ringling Brother’s T-shirt. Or, you can just pretend that you’re important and that’s why people are looking at you. Pretend you’re Richard Gere, or Al Gore. Or you can do something sensible like wearing a “I Ate Too Much Fucking FrankenBerry Cereal” sandwich board over your shoulders.
You can take the RIA approach and just surrender to the fact that God planned this before the Big Bang. Or, you can take the opposing position and say that you are an anomaly that evolved from a pink flamingo lawn ornament. Or you can take the scientific approach and say that your hair has never changed colors; it just began to absorb the photon particles from a different wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
Either way, you can rest assured that there are no absolutes. The last stroke of an artist’s paintbrush may end the painting, but the painting is never finished. Scientists may solve the problem of your pink hair, but it will create no absolutes. It may change your hair color back to normal, or to one of the billion, billion possibilities that have not yet been conceived. Think outside the box…forget about the bottom line…because there is none and anyone who does believe in that bottom line…the perception of absolutes…the way things must be…that there is only one way and one way only…is only headed down a road of misery and tragedy awaits them. Certainly, no God turned your hair pink.
It was Bad FrankenBerry.
I hope this finds you, Oscar and finds you well…the same way that your cries for help found me.
BTW, for all concerned parties, this does not cause oscar any pain, except when people stare, point and whisper...
Monday, March 17, 2008
While I'm Away From My Computer...

The only person to respond, in any way, shape, or form, to this picture of Monica (aside from the people who returned, repeatedly... in excess of 450 times... to Wiseguy's page last week :o) was m. a. duron, who messaged to me... begging me to remove the picture after he destroyed two keyboards by sweating profusely into them. (In all fairness, Minkeydude did sense my ennui and sent links to Monica videos to help ease my pain. Thanks, Mink...I needed that).
(Disclaimer: If this picture causes any "movement", whatsoever, there is a 2-step cure. 1. Bang your head against a cement wall. 2. If you're on Wiseguy's RIA page, just scroll down. Otherwise, click here. Quickly.)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Have You Ascended?

Around 500 years later, in the middle of the second millennium, the Inca had completed Machu Picchu. Their stonework was over the top, but they did ascend past their Pueblo neighbors to the north. They employed finely crafted blocks of stone, but the ascension came in the form of the “beam”; large, long stones that were shaped and fitted across openings, thus creating the strength that allowed them to add greater weight from above. The Inca’s work, with their beamed structures, will outlive the Pueblo structures, which had wood beams and, at best, scant stone beams.
1500 years earlier, the Romans had built their aqueducts, which are still standing. These impressive structures were only made possible by the “arch”…a vast improvement over the beam, which had long been employed in the Old World, but not yet conceived in the New World. Adding great strength and beauty to a structure, the arch allowed builders to go where no builders had gone before. Man was ascending.
There were limitations to the arch, which was conceived around an arc in a circle. When the Muslims invaded Spain, however, everything changed. They made a minor adjustment to the Roman arch: instead of modeling it after a circle, they modeled it after an oval, which evolved into the "pointed arch". This seemingly minor adjustment allowed builders to create massive, unobstructed interior spaces. It led to the development of flying buttresses, which in effect, moved all of the support from inside of the structure, to the outside. Cathedrals with massive interiors were born.
(As an aside, I don’t know how you feel when you walk through an old church, cathedral, or castle, but I am far less impressed by the capacity of a single person, or group of people to have been able to afford such a thing, as I am by the legions of anonymous men who actually built them. These traveling journeymen, who called themselves Free Masons, must have felt like the most highly evolved people on Earth. They took stone, which was not a cathedral and turned it into a cathedral. Their only knowledge of structural stress was amassed when a structure collapsed, or when it didn’t. But, they figured it out, didn’t they? They tamed the largest and heaviest beasts yet known to European Man. Ascension.)
Once, what must have been a long time ago, a very primitive precursor to modern man dropped a smooth rock. It landed on another rock and broke it into pieces. edges.
Now this guy had no preconceived notion that inside of that large rock were lots of little rocks, some with sharp edges. He cuts his finger while exploring it and begins to learn different uses for the sharp edge. One day, Barney snatches Fred’s sharp stone. Well, eventually, Fred needs a sharp edge, so he smacks two rocks together and…Voila!… more… sharp stones! This was a preconceived notion. Ascent!
Now, take a quantum leap into Fred and Barney’s future, to the Renaissance in Italy, where Michelangelo is in the quarry, studying a large stone. He doesn’t see shards and stone chips in there. He sees “David”. He sees “The Pieta”. He sees “Moses”. He sees “Battle of the Centaurs”. What seemed so matter-of-fact to Mike was what he taught all future sculptors: Merely remove the unnecessary parts. Man ascending.
Take another leap…to our present. In the above picture are nine Coke bottles. One row of five… one row of four. Can you close your eyes and do something as simple as imagine that tenth bottle, making two rows of five? That’s pretty easy. Now, can you close your eyes and imagine a third row, making fifteen bottles, in all? Probably. How about four rows? Five rows? Ten rows? I’m there, but it takes some concentration. When you compare it to the size of the Universe, it’s nothing, but it takes a lot of discipline and time that you could probably be using to surf other areas of the Internet.
Michelangelo could look at a block of stone and see “The Pieta”. A mason could walk through a quarry and see a cathedral. We can barely envision 100 coke bottles with our eyes closed. (Good thing it wasn't 37 Coke bottles, 28 Rock Stars, 21 Mountain Dews and 14 cups of Starbuck's Half-Caf Mocha Latte.) Can the average human today conceive of anything more complicated than a plate of nachos? Are we done ascending?
(Of course, this was a trick question. Not even Michelangelo could have gotten that tenth bottle with that background image of Monica Bellucci in a tight sweater.)
Trick question?
Yah… trick question. Don’t tax yourself. Forgetaboutit…
(BTW… if you are one of the hundreds who have recently visited Wiseguy’s RIA page to spend a moment or two with Monica Bellucci, don’t panic… all you have to do is scroll down a bit. Don’t forget to read Wiseguy’s reviews while you’re there. This guy has something to say…)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Antoine Fuqua’s “Tears of the Sun” (2003)

“Mummy, I can't”.
“Darling, just remember you're challenging their pre-conceived notions of sexuality.” (PSST, Mom…they’re like 8 years old, you twit!)
Three guys immediately kick the snot of him. Lesson well learned…except for one small, teensy, weensy little oversight: these three guys continued to kick the snot out of Placid…on sight…for the next two decades. Thanks Ma….
“Take a deep breath, Placid. Breath in. Breath out. Find the good in this. Anger won’t get you anywhere.” Thanks Dad…
Gemma doesn’t have it much better. One day, when she was around 8 years old, her Daddy gave her two bunny rabbits.
“Oooh, bunnies.”
“Dissect one and put mascara on the other.”
This all nears critical mass, when Placid approaches the bullies one day and, rather than spend the entire day avoiding them, he just asks them
to “get it over with”…. which they do. Critical mass occurs when Placid lands, face down, on the cement after a 20-foot fall. After the full body cast is removed, Placid rages…
You can’t even imagine how crushed his parents (who he addresses as Sylvia and Doug) are when they come home from a month or so of communing with the indigenous people of some obscure island, to find that Placid has, indeed, raged. He has become an insurance salesman…a George Bush haircut, suit and all.
“Where have we gone wrong, Placid?”
This phase of Placid’s rage is one of the funniest segments that I’ve seen in ages. When his prospective boss asks him why he wants to work for the company, Placid answers, “To hide.” His prospective boss responds with, “Okay. This is a good place to hide.” His utter failure to get anything done gets Placid promoted to the Fast Track Program, where he meets another fast-tracker…the steamy Jane (played by Saskia Smith). The first thing out of her mouth was a request for sex in the copy room (“I can’t get all of this work done with all of this tension”). Placid was awkward, yet affable, and slow to respond, as Jane slides her hand down into her skirt. Flip frame to the copy room where the deed was done. They end up going out and while sitting in a club, Jane makes a special request of Placid: when they get home, she wants Placid to inflict a little pain while having sex with her. You need to understand that she wants absolutely no emotional involvement. Just the sex…and now some pain.
“Why?” asks Placid.
“So I can feel something,” Jane replies.
Well, let me tell you something, Jane, you’re taking a big risk here, because Placid is a “feelie” kind of guy. So, as long as you have no problem pleasuring yourself, may I suggest that you head to your nearest video store and rent Antoine Fuqua’s “Tears of the Sun” (also released in 2003). This film will make you “feel something” without the risk of crossing over into the world of real pain that awaits you in a committed relationship (or a spanking gone wrong).
Let me begin by throwing a five at Fuqua for some masterful directing. In his previous effort, “Training Day” (2001), Fuqua unleashed Denzel Washington who released more energy than the first and last scenes in “Saving Private Ryan”, combined. In “Tears”, Fuqua recruited super hero, Bruce Willis, to lead a team of Navy Seals to extract all non-indigenous members (meaning, get the white people out of there before the advancing rebels arrive) from a jungle hospital in war-ravaged Nigeria. But, Fuqua did a terrific job of getting Willis to surrender to the true stars of this gut-wrenching film…the humanity and the lack of it. I gained a lot of respect for Willis in “Tears”.
The realism was intense. In order to help create his vision, he recruited some of the Lost Boys of Sudan to play Africans and did a fine job of explaining this choice in the director’s cut. I’ll bet that the ONLY reason that they accepted Fuqua’s invitation is that the film was shot, primarily in Hawaii, where fantastic and genuine settings were recreated and not in Africa. The actual events were fictitious, but the realities woven into the plot were not.
It is obvious that Fuqua spoke through many of the actors. As the Seals were leaving the village with their “package”, the Priest waves and shouts, “Go with God!”
A.K. (Willis) mutters, “God already left Africa.”
Before they even set out on their journey, we have already seen a good amount of horrendous wounds, dripping blood and sweat. Feeling anything yet, Jane?
Well, you just have to be feeling something, because A.K. is feeling something. On their perilous journey through the jungle, they happen upon some good, old-fashioned ethnic cleansing being perpetrated on the people of a small village by the rebel forces. And we get ringside seats. This isn’t part of the plan, but Willis screws his silencer onto his side arm.
“Lieutenant! Rules of engagement!”
A.K.: “We're already engaged.”
Then the slicing and dicing begins. At the bowels of this humanity/inhumanity, they barge in on a woman who is having her breasts cut off. (Psst, Jane…Fuqua puts this right in your face. If you look away, that’s proof positive that you just felt something).
Danny 'Doc' Kelley (played by Paul Francis): “How can they do this?”
Patience (played by Akosua Busia): “This what they do. They cut off the breasts of nursing mothers... so that they'll never again feed their own babies. This is what they do!”
This changed everything...
Lt. A.K. Waters: “Here's the deal: it's been strongly suggested that we (spoiler deleted) and abandon these refugees out here in the bush. I'll tell you right now: I'm not gonna do that. Can't do that. Broke my own rule - started to give a fuck. And brought you guys along with me. We're about to walk into some serious shit. Before we do, I just like to hear what you guys have to say about it. That's all. Speak freely.”
Kelly Lake (played by John Messner): “My opinion, Sir: we cut our losses. This isn't our fuckin' war. As far as me being in or out, you know the answer to that.”
Danny 'Doc' Kelley: “Let's get these people to safety. Let's finish the job.”
Demetrius 'Silk' Owens (played by Charles Ingram): ”I can't leave 'em, Sir.”
Jason 'Flea' Mabry (played by Chad Smith): “I'm good to go."
Lt. A.K. Waters: “What 'bout you, Red?”
James 'Red' Atkins (played by Cole Hauser): “I can't look at 'em like packages anymore. I'm gonna get 'em out or I'm gonna die tryin'.”
Ellis 'Zee' Pettigrew (played by Eamonn Walker): “Those Africans are my people too. For all the years that we have been told to stand down and stand by, you doin' the right thing.”
Lt. A.K. Waters: “For our sins.“
Ellis 'Zee' Pettigrew: “Hooyah.”
Lt. A.K. Waters: “Hooyah.”
Jane, you just have to be moved by the humanity of all of this.
The “spoiler deleted” will explain why, during the course of the night, the Seals were tracking (with a satellite up-link) beaucoup bad guys closing in on them and the shit they are about to get themselves into. Well, the shit is deep and the fighting ferocious and up-close.
(Anyone wanna tell me if half a dozen Seals would walk upright, side-by-side, on full automatic, into enemy fire? I wouldn’t. But, one of the aspects of “Tears” that was employed to add realism was two weeks of Navy Seal training. During the entire making of the film, the actors portraying the Seals were only allowed to refer to each other by their screen names. Man, they were good. Jane, you had to love all that sweat.)
I’m not gonna tell you exactly how it ends, but there are some Navy Hornets, each with a whale-sized incendiary bomb. I don’t know about you Jane, but there’s something about killer jets firing their after burners, speeding them to save the day, that get me all choked-up.
Now, we haven’t yet discussed “the package”, have we? Her name is Dr. Lena Kendricks. He real name is Monica Bellucci and she is Città di Castello, Perugia, Italy’s gift to the world. She graciously adorns this page. (Come one…how many times did YOU scroll back up to gaze back into Monica’s eyes?)
Come to think of it, Jane, it no longer seems important whether “Tears of the Sun” made you feel anything or not. All that matters is that Monica Bellucci made me feel something. But, if she did make you feel something too, you might consider dumping Placid for Gemma.
PS: Gemma is pretty hot, too…
This page is dedicated to The Evil Conservative. (I predict a huge spike in visits to Wiseguy’s RIA page)
Friday, February 22, 2008
The Change Man Cometh

One change I’m gonna make doesn’t have anything to do with any of you, ‘cause I’m gonna up the foreign aide to the REST of the world by $800,000,000,000 and 100 years from now I’m gonna be remembered as the President who tried to end global poverty. Getting the rest of the world to rise to our standards would be quite the daunting task, so I’m just gonna lower all of YOUR standards and maybe…just maybe…we won’t be hated so much. That’s right…you WILL be slaves to the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, food and oil companies. We’ve had it too good for too long while the rest of the world drools at our plenty. But, it’s all just making you sick, isn't it? All of this affluence ain’t working. For at least the next four years, y’all are gonna learn some empathy by doing and learning to relate to all of your suffering brothers and sisters on this green Earth.
But, my first act, as your President, will be to live up to my promise of change. I am creating a Department of Change and it will be headed up by 7-11 Clerk of the Year, Deepokit Sowut. You see, one day, I was in a 7-11 and I needed change. But not just any change. I had a dollar bill and needed 2 quarters for the air machine. I knew I would need a dime…which is my coin of choice for scratching lottery tickets…leaving 40 cents.
“How would you like the last 40 cents?” he asked. I was touched. Moved nearly to tears that he would take the time to ask (sniffles).
“Put a nickel in Jerry’s box,” I said. That left, what? 35 cents.
“How would you like the 35 cents, sir?”
This guy was really sharp, I thought. So I decided to test him. As fast as I could, I rattled off, “2 nickles, 4 pennies and 2 dimes, please.”
“But, sir, that is only 34 cents!”
This man was a winner from the start. “Why is a man of your caliber working here?” I asked.
“My father owns the place?” he answered.
All of this got me to thinking about the importance of change. Did you know that nearly $2.5 million dollars is lost to Americans every day because of improper change? If we could correct this, I would have just that much more money to send abroad.
So, I immediately call for the revamping of all Presidential Libraries into a collective College of Change. We WILL learn to give proper change. We Will learn to COUNT our change. Furthermore, change centers will be set up across the country, so no person within the borders of this great land will be without proper change when they need it. I don’t know about you folks, but I can think, off hand, of dozens of ways to change a dollar. Can you?
Furthermore, I am doing something about that plague called pennies. I am calling for an immediate recall of all pennies. And I mean ALLLLL pennies. From now on you will round-up, or round-down to the nearest dollar when you make a purchase. Sure, some of you will be getting screwed, but let’s face it: it’s small potatoes. What I will do with those pennies is have them all returned to George Soros, the man who got me here today. Without George, this kind of change would not be possible.
And lastly, I want to introduce you to our new, National coin with my very image stamped on it. It is called the CanPeseuro and will always be worth whatever a Slurpee is going for.
You asked for change. And change you got. God Bless what’s left of America and good night.
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