Day 2. Can't seem to conjure an original thought today. Which makes me think...
I recently heard, for the dozenth time, the anecdotal "frog in the pot" analogy. You know, the one where you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then turn up the heat under the pot...slowly...and the frog doesn’t know that it’s being boiled?
I recently heard, for the dozenth time, the anecdotal "frog in the pot" analogy. You know, the one where you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then turn up the heat under the pot...slowly...and the frog doesn’t know that it’s being boiled?
Is this what is happening to us? Are we being slowly cooked, resulting in inconsistent, irrational, albeit, predictably distressing behavior?
Okay, let me pound a stake into the ground: parts of the Earth are warming, but to all of those who are without a real opinion of their own and choose to latch onto the momentum of the phantom Global Warming Scare, or not, let me clue you in: the Earth has been warming for around 160 years...before the Industrial Revolution began. It’s called The End of the Little Ice Age. And it will continue to warm until Mother Nature has decided to turn the dial the other way. If mankind ceased all carbon emissions today, the warming trend would continue into the unforeseeable future. That’s where we are in Nature’s cycle. Can anyone say solar activity? Sure! Why not? Why not try to cash in on it?
Why not? Because it’s part of what's slowly cooking us.
But, this particular issue is only part of the brew. What else is cooking us? What other ingredients are in the stew that you may need a magnifying glass to read?
-How about two cups of silent microwaves? (<--helluva read)
Why not? Because it’s part of what's slowly cooking us.
But, this particular issue is only part of the brew. What else is cooking us? What other ingredients are in the stew that you may need a magnifying glass to read?
-How about two cups of silent microwaves? (<--helluva read)
-One cup of untested pharmaceuticals for manufactured illnesses.
-Six pounds of dangerous food additives.
-Several drops of media-borne fear about everything.
-A heaping scoop of a runaway media and government that wants us to believe that 1+1=3.
-A table spoon each of chlorine and fluoride.
-A dash of conspiracy theories. (<--funny stuff)
-Six pounds of dangerous food additives.
-Several drops of media-borne fear about everything.
-A heaping scoop of a runaway media and government that wants us to believe that 1+1=3.
-A table spoon each of chlorine and fluoride.
-A dash of conspiracy theories. (<--funny stuff)
-Several buckets of processed, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup (<--great read), hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils (<--good, easy read) that make it impossible to lose weight, make you feel awful and trigger diseases.
-A conveyor belt that provides a constant stream of diversionary information that is useless to our survival (<--about children).
-And a general anesthetic, which desensitizes us to the pain of others.
Confused into Submission?
1+1=3? Now, I don’t know about the Illuminati and won’t dwell on it until someone steps forward and breaks omerta, but there are people who want us to believe this. There people have their hands on the controls of the various aspects of Global Smarming, but perhaps, not in concert. Here are some things that just don’t add up:
With the Patriot Act, people are being hauled in under suspicion. Better to inconvenience nine of them to find that one, I say. We’re at war, right? I’ll buy this during times of war and egregious attacks and threats. So, can anybody explain to me why a known terrorist, a known supporter of terrorism and a man who supplies weapons to our enemies, is allowed to step off United Nations soil and onto American soil and speak at Columbia University without being swarmed upon by Federal Agents, cuffed, detained and tried as an enemy combatant? Is it impossible to conceive that there are people who are untouchable and invisible to laws, morality and promises?
-A conveyor belt that provides a constant stream of diversionary information that is useless to our survival (<--about children).
-And a general anesthetic, which desensitizes us to the pain of others.
Confused into Submission?
1+1=3? Now, I don’t know about the Illuminati and won’t dwell on it until someone steps forward and breaks omerta, but there are people who want us to believe this. There people have their hands on the controls of the various aspects of Global Smarming, but perhaps, not in concert. Here are some things that just don’t add up:
With the Patriot Act, people are being hauled in under suspicion. Better to inconvenience nine of them to find that one, I say. We’re at war, right? I’ll buy this during times of war and egregious attacks and threats. So, can anybody explain to me why a known terrorist, a known supporter of terrorism and a man who supplies weapons to our enemies, is allowed to step off United Nations soil and onto American soil and speak at Columbia University without being swarmed upon by Federal Agents, cuffed, detained and tried as an enemy combatant? Is it impossible to conceive that there are people who are untouchable and invisible to laws, morality and promises?
“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”
Is there a single candidate for the next Presidency who would have had the balls to pounce on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? This man received Secret Service protection! We broke bread with this man! Explain THAT to your children…
Moving on. Ask any elderly person what the most important thing is. ‘Health’, they will say, invariably. ‘Without health, you have nothing,’ they will add. Before I go on with this one, I have to take a conceptual detour first, okay?
Is it possible for an American looking at a picture of, for instance, Osama Bin Laden, to conjure the memory of entering their Grandma’s house and being inundated with the aroma of freshly baked bread, roast and vegetables? This would take brainwashing. How about a far right-wing supporter admitting to all of Hillary’s good qualities? Conversely, for an extreme leftie, or any Hezzbollah, Al-Qaeda, or Taliban supporter, for that matter, saying wonderful things about George Bush? They'd be far more willing to drink diesel fuel. Okay, I’m ready to end my detour now.
Now, is it possible to believe that people with high cholesterol actually live longer than people with low cholesterol? Or that cholesterol does not cause heart disease? Or that Cholesterol is good!? (<--killer info). Or that without cholesterol, we would die? Or that Ahmadinejad is a wonderful man and really our friend? That even though it would take 50-100 pounds of good food every day to get necessary nutrients into our bodies, the FDA says that supplements don’t work, are bad for you, will not endorse their use and actually intend to ban OTC vitamins and supplements? This just can't be. That the FDA allows food companies to put poison in our foods and once they are busted, allows the same companies to change the names of the poisons so you won’t know that they are in there? Nah. No way. Or that it is not in the FDA’s best interest to see a healthy America? Or that the largest invasion in history is occurring right now, but you won’t be bothered with it in the mainstream press? That not a shot is being fired, but more people are dieing, or suffering from this invasion than any war that we know of and that the army is comprised of food companies who are introducing and forcing toxic foods on developing countries, resulting in enough grief to make the war in Iraq seem like a corner squabble?
Getouttahere! You're outta your frickin' mind!
Bold statements...but, they're all true.
Moving on. Ask any elderly person what the most important thing is. ‘Health’, they will say, invariably. ‘Without health, you have nothing,’ they will add. Before I go on with this one, I have to take a conceptual detour first, okay?
Is it possible for an American looking at a picture of, for instance, Osama Bin Laden, to conjure the memory of entering their Grandma’s house and being inundated with the aroma of freshly baked bread, roast and vegetables? This would take brainwashing. How about a far right-wing supporter admitting to all of Hillary’s good qualities? Conversely, for an extreme leftie, or any Hezzbollah, Al-Qaeda, or Taliban supporter, for that matter, saying wonderful things about George Bush? They'd be far more willing to drink diesel fuel. Okay, I’m ready to end my detour now.
Now, is it possible to believe that people with high cholesterol actually live longer than people with low cholesterol? Or that cholesterol does not cause heart disease? Or that Cholesterol is good!? (<--killer info). Or that without cholesterol, we would die? Or that Ahmadinejad is a wonderful man and really our friend? That even though it would take 50-100 pounds of good food every day to get necessary nutrients into our bodies, the FDA says that supplements don’t work, are bad for you, will not endorse their use and actually intend to ban OTC vitamins and supplements? This just can't be. That the FDA allows food companies to put poison in our foods and once they are busted, allows the same companies to change the names of the poisons so you won’t know that they are in there? Nah. No way. Or that it is not in the FDA’s best interest to see a healthy America? Or that the largest invasion in history is occurring right now, but you won’t be bothered with it in the mainstream press? That not a shot is being fired, but more people are dieing, or suffering from this invasion than any war that we know of and that the army is comprised of food companies who are introducing and forcing toxic foods on developing countries, resulting in enough grief to make the war in Iraq seem like a corner squabble?
Getouttahere! You're outta your frickin' mind!
Bold statements...but, they're all true.
(Except the part about Ahmadinejad, of course. Just checking to see if you're paying attention).
Hey! Here’s a good 1+1=3: Our government claims that our borders are important and then imprisons two border guards for doing their job. Here’s another one: A Senator’s life, under the omnipresent media microscope, is ruined for a frickin’ bathroom incident, while another, associated with an alleged “suicide”, isn’t even questioned officially, or otherwise and is given a free and clear pass to run for the office of President. Does this make sense? How about the issue of privacy? Some claim that the Patriot Act diminishes our freedoms. Others claim that you shouldn’t worry if you are a law-abiding citizen. The uncomfortable position this puts most people is in not knowing IF they have lost freedoms, or IF they are being monitored in any way. Okay, add a dash of paranoia to the kettle.
The general public is being cooked.
Hey! Here’s a good 1+1=3: Our government claims that our borders are important and then imprisons two border guards for doing their job. Here’s another one: A Senator’s life, under the omnipresent media microscope, is ruined for a frickin’ bathroom incident, while another, associated with an alleged “suicide”, isn’t even questioned officially, or otherwise and is given a free and clear pass to run for the office of President. Does this make sense? How about the issue of privacy? Some claim that the Patriot Act diminishes our freedoms. Others claim that you shouldn’t worry if you are a law-abiding citizen. The uncomfortable position this puts most people is in not knowing IF they have lost freedoms, or IF they are being monitored in any way. Okay, add a dash of paranoia to the kettle.
The general public is being cooked.
Currently, I think we’re nearing a critical mass where the will and ability to fight back…to stand up for rights…to control and influence elected politicians and effect change is diminished. An entire generation of consumers has been lured like moths to light, into the most deceptive, descpicable financial swindle since the establishment of the Federal Reserve…low interest ARM mortgages. Credit cards? Same scam. They preyed on weaknesses, just like drug dealers. The opening of the floodgates with NAFTA, has resulted in disease-ridden and expensive foods ending up in our markets. People have convinced half of the world that Global Warming is now more important than clean air and clean water. Some other people have convinced just about everyone that oil is not renewable and we’re running out of it. Our parents have lost the will to say “No” when healthcare “pros” recommend that their children begin their lifelong dependence on powerful pharmaceuticals as early as possible.
Shall I go on? Nah. I don't think that even Google is willing to provide enough room...
So? How does the general public respond to being cooked?
There's a lot of grumbling. Some get angry until they feel better...like a good workout. Some have completely surrendered to being cooked. Everyone is sitting around waiting to see who’s gonna win the battle between good and evil. Are we allowed to participate?
Some fight back in quieter ways.
Check out some of the links provided to meet some of these people.
(Stay tuned for good answers and alternatives to some of the more immediate issues. If you're gonna fight back, then you need to feel good, right?)
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