Thursday, October 4, 2007

Democratic Debates: The Lost Tapes

Guy, were you aware that parts of the Democratic Debates were edited out? While I can't provide the tape, I have a transcript of the actual lost tape. It came at the end , when the moderator, Tim Russert, gave Hillary a chance to respond to former Senator Mike Gravel's "shame on you, Hillary" attack. Of course, she responded by cracking up. There was some slick editing, but she did follow-up. (For those of you who missed this, click here, first). Here's the missing dialogue:

(Hillary finally stifles laughter)

Hillary: "Senator Gravel, that was a very colorful attack. Kudos..."

Senator Gravel: "And what color would THAT be, Senator?"

Hillary: "Why, Senator, it was like (Lowers chin, lowers voice) thiiiiiick MOH-lasses..."

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