“New Jersey moved toward becoming the first state to require flu shots for preschoolers on Monday after a health advisory board backed new vaccine mandates over the opposition of worried parents.
The Public Health Council voted to require New Jersey children attending preschool or licensed day care to get annual flu shots, and to get three additional for youngsters starting Sept. 1, 2008.
No other state requires preschool, day care or older students to get the flu shots, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.”
Well, this isn’t necessarily so…. and what baffles me is why the media chose this as their springboard.
Gunpoint Medicine
In the State of Maryland, where there is no law requiring the vaccination of children, health and school authorities, local law enforcement and Federal marshals with attack dogs, forced parents, who are opposed to vaccinations, to herd their children in for the shots. Their alternative was to surrender their children to Child Protective Services, while they spend the next thirty days in jail. The parents were criminalized for protecting their children.
From What?
Regardless of what else is in these injections, they contain thimerosal, which is a chemical compound that consists of approximately 50% mercury, by weight. It has been used as a chemical preservative since 1929 for skin tests, vaccines, eye drops, nose sprays and tattoo inks. Few studies have been performed on this poison, but what is known is that it IS a poison. What is also known is that American companies don’t put this stuff into vaccines, but the vaccines that we use are not made in the USA (most of our drugs come from China and India). The immediate and cumulative effects of Thimerosal are very toxic, whether by injection, inhalation and even by skin contact. It is devastating to marine life. Children haven’t been tested for its effects.
So, parents who knew this and refused to subject their children to having it injected into their bodies got a knock on their door: Child Protective Services and armed Marshals reading them their rights. The medical/Big Pharma Complex is now “arming themselves with U.S. Marshals and other local law enforcement authorities who are using loaded firearms to enforce ‘the will of the State’ against parents who resist.”
“Implementation of these rules will save lives and prevent disease and suffering in children, their families and the community," deputy health commissioner Dr. Eddy Bresnitz (New Jersey) told the council Monday.”
Yah? And how the hell would he know?
“The Council voted in favor of the requirements 5-2 with 1 abstention, with member Dennis San Filippo saying he would like to see studies done on whether it's safe for young children to get so many doses of different vaccines.”
How about whether it’s safe at all? This is an experiment on American children.
And what’s the biggest objection from parents stupid enough get this poison into their children’s veins? “I’m not letting my kid sit next to another kid who isn’t inoculated!”
Psssst….Hey, moron…if your kid IS inoculated and you believe this stuff actually works, then what the hell do you have to worry about. eh?”
Forget about the children for a moment and let’s talk about the viruses it’s supposed to deal with. This isn’t the first time Bad Medicine has been used en masse. How many times have children been given the antibiotics for earaches? Well, that’s caused by a virus and antibiotics don’t kill viruses. How about the recently exposed cough syrup hoax? Or baby formula? Or the legitimization of illegal street amphetamines in the form of Ritalin? This list goes on…and on…and on….
What all of these vaccinations have really done is create highly resistant Super Viruses and lots of money for the Medical Complex. And all of their money can’t fight the Super Bugs.
Kind of reminds me of stories we’ve heard of how the Russians would execute a prisoner and send a bill to the family for the bullet. But no amount of money can pay this bill.
Some Ammo
Okay. How many times have we heard it?
“The American People are having their rights taken away from them!”
And the response is:
“Yah? And can you name just one? Do you know of just one person who has lost any of their rights as an American? Name one!”
Now you have the ammo to answer this question. Learn more about this, okay?
PS: Maryland wasn’t the first, either. Washington, D.C….our Nation’s Capitol was the first governing body to force injections on our children. Ah, yes…The Smarming of America!
If, after visiting this site and you still think flu shot are helpful and good for you or your children, then let me suggest that you head for the nearest mental health establishment...in some foreign country, of course, cause no one in the mainstream medical profession will believe you. Kinda hard to wrap your head around, eh?
So the great conning of and the degeneration of American Society and culture continues...
As Forrest Gump's mother was wont to say "Stupid is as stupid does". Perhaps a another tea party is needed. I for one am tired of having all this crap shoved down my throat. If I wanted to eat crap I would do it on my own!
Thanks for the great info Ridge. I will definitely look in this a little more. Scary stuff.
Scary is right, Randy. The evil finger of the FDA had found a vulnerability in the corroding system and just poked their finger through it. This kind of thing gives credibility to some of the conspiracy theorists. So? What's next? Will the other states fall in line? Are older people next? Implants? What would you do, knowing that they're gonna inject your kids, or grandchildren, whether they arrest you or not? Move to another State? How did things come to this? Where did our country go? This shit's real...
Check this out:
Let me guess, Maryland is a blue state too. Sorry to keep beating the partisan drum but this is what happens when socialist get a foot hold on your life. Hillary wants to do it on a national level.
Still, I blame the the ignorant voter, they scare me just as much.
We shouldn't worry though, its for the common good...
Although this is political, Guy, I think it transcends the Red/Blue arena. I don't know the Judges, or those who pushed this agenda on the Judges (can take a pretty good guess), but the FDA is behind this and the head of the FDA is a dude named Andrew von Eschenbach...Czar For Life and hand-picked by Bush. We'll just have to wait and see how a Red State reacts when it happens there and see if there is a difference.
Common good? Stark's pretty sure that you're being sarcastic....
You can read about von Eschenbach here: http://www.newstarget.com/021900.html
Add "htm" to the above address, Guy and Randy...Got lopped-off
Hey guys....in case you skipped past the update that I added to this post, read it, and/or go here:
Don't klnow why the end of the link gets lopped off! Let me try another route:
or just use the link on the updated post. You know I'd never waste your time...
Republicans are driven primarily by greed, Democrats are greedy too but power is what drives them. You're right, its a problem on both sides.
I certainly don't want to be right about this, since the implications are mind-boggling. The Left and Right are the bottle neck here and their posture seems to rarely be based on Party doctrine, but on M.O.N.E.Y. being forced into the pipeline by far more powerful forces. In this case, politicains are being puppeted by the FDA, just like doctors, research, insurance, advertising, law and the general public. What kills me is that the same energy could be used for the good of all things.
But, simple solutions, like diet, don't make money for Big Pharma...simple solutions like colloidal silver, which DOES kill viruses, is proven and cheap, won't make money for them. And dietary supplements, which the FDA is making a huge push to ban, doesn't make a nickel for the FDA, even though any doctor-in-the-know would tell you that it would take 50-100 pounds of GOOD food everyday to get the essential nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals you need for proper support. We don't get what we need from the foods that we eat, even if they are high quality, organic foods....but supplements are bad for us? As we speak, they are shutting down health food stores and confiscating vitamins...things that are good for us, while approving toxic poisons for general consumption.
1 + 1 = what?
Now that they pretty much have the elderly under control with lethal blood thinners; the Boomers under control with cell-dissolving statin drugs and mood-altering pharmaceuticals; they are going after the young with amphetamines, cough syrup, baby formula, antibiotics and vaccines...all of which are destructive. The teenagers? Oh, they're still medicating themselves...
And what's more, our welfare has been placed into the hands of the FDA, who allow virtually every over-the-counter, back-counter and prescription drug to be imported from China and India, where there is little-to-no monitoring, or quality control. All China has to do is get pissed off just enough to cut off their stockpiles of drugs and you'll be paying street prices for Tylenol, if you can find it. This has become a matter of National security.
Not all of it is bad medicine. Antibiotics, for instance have their place. I was recently hospitalized for an abscess that was growing in a lung (some foreign object got in there). There were two options: surgery and antibiotics. We chose the antibiotics and six weeks of them did the trick. However, there is a severe drawback to using them: they kill all of the essential bacteria in our digestive track. We've come full circle here, because when I asked my doctor how to deal with this, his answer was 'not to worry about it'. The fact is that, even though doctors are not trained on things like diet (they have brochures, though), supplements, probiotics, or nutrition, they also know that they are NOT ALLOWED to talk about these things, in fear of being ostracized from the medical community, or of losing their medical licenses. That's right! The FDA is busting doctors for talking about vitamins! And they are shutting down health food stores if they so much as make a health claim about any of their products.
All of this makes me wanna take a pill!
I agree in principal, but theres something else at play here, thats "demand" I know healthy people, there not pill poppers. They eat right take vitamins and exercise. If people did this, drugs would be at a fraction of the price they are. Theres something to be said about market demand.
IMO, a lot of the problem is people. You're doing a great service to get the word out about all this, but I don't have faith in most people, they won't do anything about it, their lazy fat and ignorant. They want a pill for everything. Get on a fucken treadmill if you want to lose weight. How bout some sit-ups.
For gods sakes, millions of people think Hillary Clinton is the greatest thing since sliced bread, I don't have to tell you who these people are, or why they love that bitch so much.
Forced vaccinations, could be part of a socialist doctrine...
Thanks Guy. I agree that much of our health problems would be alleviated if people ate right and exercised. I don't agree that the costs of pharmaceuticals would go down if LESS people were dependent on them, however. It's kinda like the price of gas; it has a life of its own, regardless of the supply/demand rules of economics. They seem to be immune to those rules, don't they?
Let me micromanage this issue for a moment. You see, after one solid year of doing little more than researching this issue, after 1000's of hours of reading and documenting the state of American Health, I have become as passionate and angry about the FDA as you are about the Democrats and Left Wing sellouts.
Those non-pill poppers that you mention are being duped and conned as much as anyone else; they may even be more educated on diet and nutrition than the average Joe. And guess what? The FDA knows this. So, what do they do? Here's one of 100's...even 1000's of examples of the way the American Public is being duped...
Can you tell me what these things are? They are all the same thing, but when there were enough ripples in the water about the neurotoxic effects of it, the FDA just let the food companies change the name so no one...not even the not-as-healthy-as-they-should-be-non-pill-poppers would know what they are putting in their bodies:
1. Autolyzed Yeast
2. Yeast food or nutrient
3. Yeast Extract
4. Textured Protein
5. Calcium Caseinate
6. Sodium Caseinate
7. Autolyzed Plant Protein
8. Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP)
9. Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
10. Glutamic Acid
11. Glutamate
12. Monopotassium glutamate
These are all "allowable" names for Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). When presented with bona fide medical evidence of the horrors that MSG was causing, their response was, "Good. Just change the name. They'll never know the dfference. Besides, the problems that it's causing will pump-up sales in other areas." It's
-stomach disorders
-Blurred vision or difficulty breathing-memory disorders
-Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
-Irregular heart beat or blood pressure, racing heart
-Abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, colitis, IBS
-Balance problems, dizziness, or seizures, mini-strokes
-Tenderness in localized areas, neck, back, etc.
-Chronic fatigue or sleepiness
-Excessive perspiring or shuddering and chills
-Shortness of breath, chest pains, asthma
-Gagging reflex or difficulty swallowing
Hell, the list goes on and I'll provide you with the complete list if you ask. The FDA knows all about it. The killer here is that it takes MSG around 48 hours to assimilate, so no one associates it with the symptoms. This is one of 1000's of examples of how the FDA is making us unhealthy on purpose.
But, when a person gets tested for these things, the tests, generally, come up "negative". So, what does the Doktor do? He's at a loss, so he whips out his script pad faster than Wyatt Earp and prescribes medications that, at best, address ONLY the symptoms, at worse, muck up the person's metabolism so bad, that they end up back in the Doktor's office and walk out with more prescriptions.
You're right, of course, in that human nature, being swept up in the new paradigm of speed and immediacy, are resistant to educating themselves. In those regards, you are right to have little faith that people will adapt. But, 300 million people have looked to the FDA to protect them, when the good health of the average citizen is NOT in their best interest. This is just the tip of the Smarmburg.
PS: You mention at the end of your last comment that (vaccinations) could be part of a socialist doctrine. Make no mistake: Republicans and Democrats are small potatoes compared to the people who rule the Big Pharma/FDA/ Medical complex and it's part of a socialist doctrine if they say it is...
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