Another example would be Prometheus, the dude who brought fire down to man from the Greek Gods. Been done. None of the used Greek, or Roman names, please. Better check out the names of Saturn’s (ahemmmm) moons first, because there’s a lot of them and the Greeks got ‘em.
Oh, by the way, I’m Sirius about this and am going to approach a major media figure about going national with this. Maybe even make a contest out of it…with prizes and recognition…maybe even a Wikipedia entry. You’ll be immortalized. We’re talking book deals, a movie, Oprah…who knows, eh?
All entries will be researched and judged by me and Stark (she came up with the idea about naming our Solar System). If you think that “Betty” is a great name for our planet, that’s just fine with us. But, an explanation would sure help. We don’t yet know which agency has official rights to name heavenly bodies, so until that time comes, once we have picked the winners, you will hereby be forced to use the names we choose. Got it? Start submitting!
-Solar System
-Universe (in case someone from another Universe asks what our Universe is called)
Here's Stark's entries:
(Earth)--"Gaia" (Mother Earth)
(Solar System)--"Phoenix" (Universally understood)
(Moon)--"Selene" (Greek Goddess)
(Sun)--She likes "Sol"
(The Universe)--"Chaos"
Yes Ridge... Betty does sound a proper name far as I'm concerned. I liked all of your names, both you and Stark picked but probably can come up with a few others as well and then you can let me know when the voting takes place so I can keep an eye on the polls. Should you be in need of a widget for this task, just email me. Trust me. I have widgets for everything. K? Carry on fellow earthlings. Peace, Sherry
Hello Ms Parry. I just visited your website and it's full of great stuff. I was pleased to see all of your astronomy stuff. I couldn't figure out how to post a little tale about an encounter that we had in the desert, but if you show me how to do it, I will be happy to share. As far as widgets go, thanks for the offer, but it would be like giving an electric razor to a 3 year old. I'm am so far behind on that stuff. And, most importantly, congratulations, Grandma!
PS: Yes, my choice for the Earth's Moon IS Betty. My choice for the Universe is Veronica. My choice for the Solar System is Tilt-a-Whirl. My choice for the Sun is Bic.
Earth: Goreland.
No use in naming anything else because everything revolves around Goreland...
Honestly, I can't think of anything good.
"Goreland" has been accepted as a general term for anything within the realm of our Solar System, Guy...especially since he has returned from a recent astral projection to the volcanic and inner-most of the four Galilean moons of Saturn and discovered that the temperature of the magma has risen from 2400 degrees F, to 2402 degrees F, thus, proving the far-reaching effects of Earth's global warming.
We will also consider changing the names of the other planets from Mercury, to Mercgorey; from Venus, to GoresPenis; from Pluto, to Goreto; from Uranus to Goresanus, from Earth, to...well, it is already Goreland...and so on. Worm holes will now be called Goreholes and asteroids will now be called Asswipegores. It has also been discovered that Ray Bradbury's Star Trek character, "Q", was based entirely on Al Gore. Congratulations on your submission being accepted, Guy!
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