~Reading in dim light won't damage your eyes (The majority of eye experts believe it is unlikely to do any permanent damage).
~You don't need eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy (Based on a complete lack of evidence).
~Shaving your legs won't make the hair grow back faster (Stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness).
~Eating turkey makes you drowsy (Turkey has no more tryptophan than chicken or beef. Eating lots of it is probably the real cause of sleepiness).
~Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death (The skin dries out and retracts after death, giving the appearance of longer hair or nails ).
~Mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals (Studies have found minimal interference with medical equipment).
~We use only 10 percent of our brains (This myth arose as early as 1907 but imaging shows no area of the brain is silent or completely inactive).
I can remember back as far as when I was, maybe, six years old when I heard #7 for the first time and I didn’t believe it. From time-to-time, I looked for evidence over the years, but never found any. During my activist days in the 60s and 70s, I actually may have thought that this concept was created to dumb people down. If you hear something often enough, you might begin to believe it, right?
Well, the fact is that we are always using ALL of our brain. Not all of it is designed for any one particular function. A part is for thought, a part is for our senses, and a part monitors our metabolism and releases hormones, a part for our dreams and so on. It’s the “thought” part that I believe “they” were referring to. Even this is being disputed today, as it has been discovered that gray matter is not only located in our brains, but the very same neurons are also found in our chest and abdomen, refuting the school of thought that our brain controls all of our functions. Our heart can also control our brain. Gives a whole new meaning to “gut reaction”, eh?
Listen to your heart. But, don’t forget about your stomach.
Well, we are evolving in real time and we have heard things like, “One day, we won’t have toes, because we won’t need them”, or “One day we won’t have hair”, etc. Yes, we are evolving and now there is a sect in our culture that is beginning to show signs of using only 10% of their brainpower. Or less….
Anyone who would even consider voting for Hillary Clinton, if for no other reason than it would put Bill back in the White House, is drawing from the part of their brain that began atrophying and shriveling up the first time they saw something wrong and thought, “Oh well…” This part of their brain has surrendered…not unlike the weak who run for the hills when things go wrong. Yes, many things are wrong, but if you burn the beans, you don’t throw out the whole dinner, fire the chef and turn the restaurant into a turnstile for the galactically stupid. The mere thought that this woman is even being considered for the Presidency is our best proof of the existence of the Illuminati, or perhaps, alien intervention. What could they possibly have they inserted into peoples’ anuses to make them think that this woman can lead us boldly into the future, when it was her hubbie’s very weaknesses that dropped the match that ignited the major events of today?
~Culture? Let’s roll the dice, right?
~Terrorist threats? Pshawwww….
~Medical reform? Oh, that old thing?
~Education? Got mine! Next!
~Invasion of illegals? I don’t see any in my neighborhood...
~China’s toxic invasion? Yah, but they’re such cute little people!
~The price of food and fuel? Survival of the fittest, I say!
~The elderly? What have they done for US lately?
~Children? Screw ‘em. Not one of them voted for me…
~Race relations? Sure I’d wear a burkha to get a vote…
~Torture? Y’ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!
The part of the brain that would surrender to all of the above has artificially evolved to the size of a raisin. It is saturated with Prozac and is the only active part of the brain that works while watching sitcoms and "reality" shows. It is loaded with mercury and fluoride. It has become a primitive anger center and makes these people as rational and purposeful as an attack dawg.
Along with Gunpoint Medicine, this is about the direction and the erosion of our country and you can expect more of this from the raisin-brained liberals. The silent Kristallnacht has begun...Go ahead. Elect Hillary and you will long for the days when you had the luxury of complaining about $3-per-gallon gas; had Paris Hilton to kick around; had a war to take your mind off of things...
How did things come to this?
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